Can we not use both support ults

honestly this depends on context but imagine if you shattered 5 and your zarya gravs them right after, a bit over kill right

so who in their right mind decides that the nanod rein who killed 2 needs a beat on top of that

yes there are times where 2 supports ults are needed but if your other support is getting value from their ult its really not necessary to valk/beat/literally anything to add to it

have had games where its over time where a moira coals and a lucio beats 2 seconds after and then we get wiped because we have nothing to stop the following ults that come on line from the ult charge the enemy gets from those ults

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I’ve noticed that support players waste ults with bad timing more than any other role

So many Mercy players use Valk after a teamfight is already very won or very lost. And you know they’re the type to call it useless

So many Zens and Lucios holding on to beat/trans when we need it and popping it when we don’t

Lots of random nanos and Coals

It’s so bad


Honestly some of the Ana’s I see wait on nanoing until World War five. Just press q when they initiate a fight, it’s automatic value and forces their resources on them


It just enhances the feeling you get when you or your other support gets that perfect ult, like a clutch Trans/Beat or a Nano/Valk/Coal/window that lets you push past that accursed choke or hold the line.

Depends on the situation actually. Mabye the lucio bested to push into the grav shattered and the Ana nanod shortly after barely processing the beat. But if there was like a large time frame in between then it’s outright throwing or the inability to play the game correctly

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I can admit i’be done that a couple of times playing mercy, i just don’t know why i do it tho lol. But sometimes i click q on accident when i shouldn’t have done it :pleading_face::point_right:t3::point_left:t3:

Unfortunately this is so common in Quick Play where there’s very minimal communication - It’s often two Support players will use their ults at the same time without knowing the other had the same intention.

I never see more people ult uselessly than Zenyattas using it to save his own life. So painful.


Sometimes both supports decided to use there ultimate at the same time during fights. I have done this using trans to save my team and my fellow support decided to use their ultimate for the same reason.

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You give us too much credit. We hear loud sound, we ult. This is the way of the support.

Ana is public enemy #1 when it comes to misused ultimates. 90% of the time they just toss it on a tank for no reason and get confused when the Winston who just used jump to retreat back to the team isn’t able to get any value with the nano.


Had a game the other day where the Lucio on our team refused to drop beat when everyone was critical, then finally dropped it when he was the last one left. So frustrating :sob:

I will say however

I think its much easier to notice a failed support ult than other roles. Most support ults keep the team alive, so its easier to notice that failing then say a Pharah holding hers in all game trying to find a random chance at a 4k.


Me, playing zen: I’m going to trans grav since they don’t have an Ana. You beat blade. K?

Lucio: sounds good

they grav

Me: uses trans
Lucio uses beat

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There do be them teams that like to use 5 ults in a single defensive holdoff huh :face_with_monocle:

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Sometimes it makes sense to take the L and die with trans up (you know there are other enemy ults online), but if you’re ahead in charge and you know you’ll have another before they can threaten your team, whatever.

It’s technically a mis-play to burn trans selfishly, but it really depends on how quickly you can get it back after using it; if you can get 10-15% charge in the time it would have taken you to float back from spawn, is it better to die with trans ready or burn it to stay alive?

I call this the “FULL SEND” strategy.

Ugh, I always just feel bad and like I let Ana down. If I get a nano as Orisa it’s almost a guarantee I’m reloading or about to reload and it’s totally useless. Now I’ve been playing Rein lately and I get nano’d a lot…but then there’s usually not many targets within melee. I’m sorry Ana :sweat:

Or is it maybe just that support ults are so much more valuable then the other roles that it appears they’re the role with the worst ult usage?

I mean McCree’s ult most of the time is a deathwish so whenever he uses it without dying seems like a good ult usage

I also regularly see Reins/Zars waste their ults when they’re the last one alive or trying to bail themselves out as well

How is that the Ana’s fault? Like, yeah, the tank had no idea it was coming, but nano Winston when he is deep and low is not “no reason.”

If he just used jump CD to jump back into his team why the heck would you nano him? You can shoot him 3 times and he can jump back at them when it’s off CD and THEN you nano him. Why is this even a question

If you read what you are responding to he literally says when the Winston has jumped back to the team

I assumed he meant the nano landed and then Winston bailed. Yes… If an Ana just randomly nanos a Winston who JUST full retreated, that is beyond horrible. That is just throwing. I have never even seen that in LOW bronze on CONSOLE.

So yeah, I am assuming he means nano a low Winston pre retreat for obvious reasons.