Can we not destroy Ana please?

When beta was out…? Right after the drops…? I don’t get where you’re trying to go with this?

And this is the same thing they did with tanks in OW1 post RQ. Which ever one was on top was gutted and to their surprise less people played tank each time. How about instead we buff other supports or add more options vs anti nade?

Which is exactly why the game deserves to die if the same developers repeat the same mistakes. What do you think happens if you don’t learn from the past?

Nah, here’s your pulls out sheet 4th dps

Are we really to do this again?

We can assume that you’re talking about DVA, since that’s who we were talking about previous, correct? Good. So now we’re just going to assume that right after DVA uses her defense matrix and boosters, she’s low on hp? Did you really think that through? REALLY think about it… defense matrix stops projectiles from connecting, and boosters (assuming its used well) makes DVA make harder to hit. Did you think about it? Is DVA still low hp?

Due to our past conversations, we can assume that sleep dart and grenade was used, correct? We can also assume that your team has dive heroes since you stated above…

Then yes, even if a tank lost most of their health, or was forced to retreat, or burn all their defensive abilities, it’s still a good idea to dive Ana. ESPECIALLY if your tank is on DVA, a tank who has a second life. Who else would be a better target to hit other than the sustain of the team, WITHOUT her self peel abilities? The great thing about OW2 is that making plays is significantly rewarded. Diving an Ana with no abilities is the easiest play you can make.

Can you at least think before you reply this time? Where in the quote below did I say whatever you just implied?

Let’s not even talk about the main point that you ignored.

Just accept that DVA has a great kit against Ana and move on, you’re embarrassing yourself.

Simple. Just remove a support and go 1-3-1. Lol

Fools think there is nothing wrong with this statement. Gee, wonder how she became so popular…

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I mean they don’t specifically say D.Va, but I have seen multiple posts crying about how Ana makes “non-barrier” tanks useless.

Apparently so. Since you seem to think it’s reasonable that the only counterplay certain tanks deserve against Ana is to Leeroy Jenkins into the enemy team in a suicide mission to kill her.

I said DVA because that’s specifically the hero GreyFalcon has been going on about.

Lol, where did I say this? I don’t even know how you got the implication that I said that.

You know, making clear and concise arguments is one of the main aspects of winning a debate, which is not what you’re doing.

You want to know what a clear and concise argument is? See the quote below. You’ve just been ignoring it, which is fair since it totally destroys your argument, which I am paraphrasing, that DVA can’t handle Ana.

My counter argument is that if a Ana player is incapable of pressing 2 cooldown buttons within a 1 second time window, then it’s kinda ridiculous to balance around an ELO that low.

Furthermore the idea that Ana’s team would take zero peeling resources if Ana used her two cooldowns offensively is ridiculous.

Especially since any competant enemy team would have seized the positioning advantage that your team was forced to forfeit because of Ana’s abilities.

Just feels like you’re throwing around “Well it works in Bronze” logic at me, like it means anything.


The argument is that DVA’s cooldowns are significantly shorter than Ana’s and can be used to negate or dodge Ana’s cooldowns.

All you’re doing is making hypotheticals. It’s a simple argument and nothing you said in your post above refutes it.

If an Ana can’t press the E button and the Shift button within a 1sec time frame, then why are we even talking about them as a representative of an ELO they should balance around?

Why are we discussing the behavior of Bronze Ana players?

Or do you think the top 15% ELO Ana players are that incompetant?

Mercy didn’t have strong lobby of pro players/streamers to protect her.

Question is, how many tank players share your concern. Because if that number is big enough, then instant support queue won’t be only problem.

I hope that rumors about next hero with antiheal would remain rumors, as I can’t imagine worse “support repellent”, than even more “heal shutdown” abilities.


What’s the point of the argument of?

Why would be Ana save both her sleep and nade for that 1 second time frame?



Your hypotheticals make no sense.

The argument still stands that…

Well, to step back from the confrontational aggro messaging.

My point is that should have her delay between DM usages reduced to a point where she can reliably block both of Ana’s cooldowns.

Instead of having to commit to a kamikaze suicide rush onto the enemy Ana, any time the Ana player uses one of her cooldowns.

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This is such a bad argument. “She’s OP but a group of people have fun playing her because she’s OP, so let’s not nerf her to make them happy. Screw everybody else and every other hero.”

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she’s busted as heck and makes the game unfun to play

She single-handedly counters an entire role in 5v5, it’s not even up to a debate if she should be nerfed, she must be nerfed. Just like Sombra, Doomfist and Brig were changed to suit 5v5 environment.

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Didn’t they promise another hero with antiheal, so we have another counter for entire support role?

Because comp with both of those heroes should be named “US healthcare”. But I still hope they won’t do it, as having Ana is awful enough, with two antiheal heroes it would be stuff of nightmares.

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Ana is op because there is no counter to anti nade. Maybe junker Queen overhealth will help with this but Ana doesn’t need to be nerfed. I know it’s hard to believe but the answer to everything isn’t the nerf hammer. Add more things that can cleanse anti effects and Ana becomes less powerful but still fun to play.