Can we nerf orisa and sigma

Gonna be honest with u guys, rein will never be bad in low elos. We can try but his playstyle fits low elo perfectly. He’s mobile, high health, and an ez ult to use and the best sheild. Orisa sig and Winston need to use cover, mechanics, resource management, and can’t int as hard. Rein is harder as he gets to higher ranks but yeah. Basically u would have to butcher the character for him to be equal to orisa in low elo, or buff orisa to oblivion which destroys high elo play.

So why do we care about this. Gm is like 1% right. Well orisa sig is good in masters and up, and a lil in diamond prob. It also effects the esport, streams, and excitement. If I’m a tank player who quits ow and looks back at the streams, not what u guys are saying, and I’m intrigued but I see orisa sig I’m not gonna play. If I see rein and Winston that would be awesome. Obviously people like to play orisa but generally the consensus, from watching hours of streams, Twitter, Reddit, and ranked orisa isn’t fun and sig makes ow very damage and sheild heavy.

Finally I want to say I don’t want them in the gutter, I want them to be playable but for rein and Winston to be at the forefront. And yes Grey falcon Ik and i like the idea too but that major of a rework looks like ow2 or something ya know. Ggs


I mean, I’m just sitting on a minimalist changes thread. Guess I could post it now.

[✅] Minimalist DoubleBarrier fixes


  • Armor - Blocks 20% of damage. Counts towards the 50% damage resistance cap.
  • Discord - Passes through enemy barriers.
  • Mei - Moved to Tank Role. Icewall cooldown reduced back to 10sec.

Goddang u have passion




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Nerfing barriers was never the answer. They should have left Orisa Sigma as main tanks, and buffed the offtanks to their level for 2-2-2.


The problem about OffTanks vs BarrierTanks is that in modern Overwatch double OffTanks is just a Bruiser duo, tanks with some self resistance and decent damage, with some minor utility else, while double BarrierTanks became a Bruiser duo with Barriers, tanks that have some self resistance, decent damage, a barrier and some minor utility else, that’s better because they offer more.


In my opinion both sigma and orisa need a buff, especially on their shield. Nobody uses them now, and when they do they always switch to zarya/rein or roadhog.


Try this month it’s shows a bigger picture

Were they not already nerfed? What buffoon is still playing crappy @ss Orisa.


Orisa’s barrier is a joke and without it she is a sitting duck. She can get value in combo with another barrier tank and, more rarely, with hog if they do pull-hook, but that is rare at any low rank. Sigma is pretty ok where he is. His barrier disappears quickly enough that it doesn’t dominate the game. He has better self sustain than Orisa.

Rein is the problem. His barrier is way too big and way too strong and he enables way too many other tanks. Having the ability to have 2500HP of barrier in a game is just terrible. Nerfing Sigma’s barrier is not the answer to that problem. Rein has been meta for too long and it has made the game stale. It’s time he was “fixed” to allow other tanks to take the glory for a while and for him to sit it out. I know the arguments about him being the only true main tank and best designed, but it’s long past time his pick-rate dropped. Even when he isn’t picked for the start of a game, the losing team will almost always switch to him so there is pretty much never a game without a Rein in it at some point - then it’s a case of shooting a barrier the rest of the game. TEDIOUS!

That’s going to be the ultimate tank throw pick though… People are complaining about Hog not being enough of a tank already.


I’ll be honest with you, I think sigma could use either a cooldown reduction his shield once broken or perhaps faster shield regen. Also, a rein charge/firestrike can one-shot him, as his HP is only 400. Maybe he just needs a quicker and higher jump to avoid a rein charge? He’s one of the least mobile tanks in the game. But sigma is very difficult to to kite back on. . .so you usually have to resign to decide to die while contesting, as most of the time you can’t back up quickly enough.

No, that armour change is awful

Plus double barrier literally isn’t meta anymore.

Would you mind not copy pasting the same ideas in so many different threads? :smiley:

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Do people really find Rein fun to watch? I can see why Orisa’s boring to spectate, but regardless of what you think of his power level, Sigma’s got a bunch going on and has the potential to land some tricky rocks and the like.

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No, and not to play against either. Most boring games are usually against Rein, and that is most of them these days.

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Feeling like I read this before. Is this by you on another account?

Why nerfing Orisa and Sigma?

Sigma is indeed a problematic hero in the way he’s designed.
He’s a good hero but they need to solve the shield problem, instead of acting like it’s a normal shield threat it more as an off angel shield against heroes like widow or pharah.
because it’s clear by it’s design he’s NOT mean to be a main shield…
either change shield to some other utility to block slow but bursty damage from range or add some weird twist to his shield. because a jack of all traits is just a weird concept…

as for Orisa Nerf? The hero should be buffed…

in no where other than gm she gets played.
She’s a stationary hero- of course she will not be fun if you run soldier or mcree behind her shield because they provide no damage…
She supposed to be run with heroes like Junkrat,Torb,Bastion… Heroes that can actually deal enough damage for breaking the shields quick.
The bad part of Orisa was buffing fortify instead of shields…
She needs a fair shield- 800hp should be good.
but nerf fortify resistance to 20%-30%, if needed increase duration but don’t make it too strong.

Orisa should be weak to dive and strong on brawl.
which means she should be taken down pretty fast if there’s enough burst.
brawl is all about face to face and cc with longer yet safer battles.
so longer but weaker fortify will be better- to deny enemies.
On the other hand stronger shield will help much more to protect heroes with big bodies but high damage like Bastion or Junkrat that can do a lot but pay for this by their size.

If you check pick rates. the ONLY place where people pick orisa and get high win rates are gm.
below that she’s one of the worst tanks, competing with…

If you don’t want a double shield meta, they should buff it’s weak counters, add more play styles and fix the reasoning behind it being so strong…
But don’t kill a hero just because you don’t like to play it…
A hero can be playable without being a meta and it’s fine.

Nerfs alone aren’t going to help and will just make tanking even worse, I feel like both need a rework to a degree.

High-ish damage that is also ranged and that can be put out at the same time of the barriers being up is inherently a problem I feel, something needs to give there. Reinhardt’s barrier and D.Va’s Matrix are much better designs for damage blocking imo.

And honestly, unpopular opinion maybe, but I feel in general OW Tanks need to be shifted a bit towards a more traditional Tank identity. High sustain and CC but lower (or range restricted like Rein) damage on average.

All of gm and owl mainly