Can we nerf orisa and sigma

OWL, there’s still a chunk of Winston and Rein play, GM though is still dominated by Rein, either with Sigma or with Zarya. Orisa-Sigma is less common, and statistically looks less successful.

Rein is already OP wtf are you on about

Yeah statistically it’s better but in game it’s literally op. Stats don’t account for a lot of things

Like what? That you don’t like playing these heroes?

Quit nerfing tanks and supports.

While you still have tanks and supports.


I mean u have to be in higher ratings to understand cause I’ll just disagree with me. I’ll just say this and that’s it. Orisa sigma is just better than rein whatever combo, but nobody wants to play orisa sigma because there boring or something. That’s why dig orisa and rein have the highest play rates. Orisa is so hated that they would rather lose or be at a disadvantage than win on orisa

If that were true, then Genji would have had those 6% pick rates long before he was buffed.

The “fun” factor really only applies up to Masters, you can literally see that in the stats too because unfavourable heroes always have elevated pick rates there. But that’s as far as they get.

Force a max of one shield tank. Buff Orisa back to pre-Sigma release levels. Give Sigma more shield. Once a shield tank is selected, the others are greyed out. Don’t count Winston. He has so much downtime without a shield that he doesn’t really count. Or alternatively, buff Winston so he could function as shield tank.

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Reality is far from fantasy.

From the looks of it, they’re trying to force an Orisa meta and failing spectacularly. I don’t follow OWL, but would i be correct in guessing Orisa is being used a lot by the pros? These guys really are meta slaves aren’t they.

Yeah I don’t know if they want an orisa meta but nobody likes her in ranked to play as so reib has more play. U have to switch tho if they place orisa

Orisa simply doesn’t work. People don’t want to play her and when she does come into the play, the team she’s on loses. And you still want her nerfed.

The one in the forefront is Reinhardt and Zarya, they have always been there. And yet you want them buffed even more.

The way you describe these heroes is the opposite of what’s actually happening in the game.

I’d argue both need a buff atm

Sigma went from 1500 to 900 barrier HP, with some other nerfs. Orisa went from 900 to 600 barrier HP, with some other nerfs.

And you want to nerf them more? Are you crazy? People were already upset with the last one. You nerf them any more and it will kill the game.

If you don’t want double shield to be meta you have to make other options more viable.

I think mei is a more consistent “tank” than roadhog honestly.

The majority of roadhogs “tanking” ability (within the environment / context of overwatch) comes largely from being able to bruise, and 1 ability to peel on a fairly long cooldown. Which he might or might not hit.

Yes TaB is a powerful sustain ability, but IMO theres a difference between “Tanking” and being “Tanky”.

Mei however has a “peel” built into her primary fire. Its also extremely consistent with minimal effort- Requiring fairly little aim, and can be utilized against multiple targets. It goes through deflect and defense matrix. Even if you dont freeze a target, you slow them down. It can be applied to a target over and over and over again, back to back- with minimal time between each freeze.

Her actual attack has unlimited range and no fall off- Allowing her to put pressure on the snipers who are aiming at her team mates.

And then of course, she has wall.

This can block off choke points

Or escape routes.

Someone stray too far from their team? Wall and kill.

Sniper in the distance? Wall.

Ana healing her team from afar? Wall. No more healing.

Big ultimate about to hit everyone?

You guessed it- Wall.

Her ult controls space better than whole hog. Short of throwing it into a defense matrix- Theres not a lot you can do besides “get away”. Whole hog can be eaten by sigma or dva. It can be deflected by genji. Hog himself is a huge easy to get target while ulting- He cant stop it himself, so he cant stop to heal, he can easily be booped / stunned / slept / etc out of it.

Mei absolutely has better tools than Roadhog for consistently and constantly controlling space- And has means in her kit to directly save and protect her team mates from numerous sources of damage.

I would MUCH rather see a mei on my team, than a roadhog, in the tank slot, just as she IS- Let alone if she got any changes to actually make her better in the “tank slot”.

Roadhog is, in my opinion- a terrible tank within the context of how tanks work and what theyre expected to do in overwatch, especially within a 2/2/2 environment.

Mei however, does pretty much everything id expected an “off” tank to do.

Almost everything about Mei screams tank to me for overwatch. Id be more than glad to see her put there. I think shed perform better in there, and shed give the tanks of this game another very much needed option- All with minimal cost to blizzard. Its win win all around.

Mei can block more damage than any tank :laughing:

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This is just false. Orisa sig pokes rein zarya down until they get close and they use off angles or sustain abilities to win that fight out. Rein zarya hasn’t been good in forever. If I go orisa my team may not win but they have a higher chance

DVa finally has an above 50% winrate in masters?!

honestly, this game has a fundamental problem with dependence. This game depends on barriers because of damage and it needs burst heals for the same reason. its sad and i wish there was something being done to address these issues once and for all

i dont think sheilds are that problematic. Orisa and sig just need changes to their sustain and combo ability