Can we make custom emojis?

This post: 𝔗π”₯𝔒 𝔒𝔳𝔒𝔯π”ͺ𝔬𝔧𝔦 β„­π”žπ”£Γ© β˜• is full of different emojis that Ivan made. What I’m talking about is having the ability to upload an emoji that we can personally use. Discord has this and I think it would be really cool. It would require level 3 though because you can put anything in there. It would be a lot easier than going to imgur or whatever and uploading a picture every time you want to use one.

You’d just open up the emoji tab and have a β€œcustom” section full of the ones you’ve uploaded.


Thanks for mentioning me

One of the reasons I keep creating new emojis is to appeal new people to use them and to hope the devs will one day notice it as well

Custom emojis would be more β€œOverwatchy”

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They’re also just fun to use in general.

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