Can we look at reverting Dva buff

Any Dva with even mediocre tracking can melt a Hanzo

Bronze Hanzos don’t count.

Any Hanzo with actual brain matter instead of sake in his brain will not even notice a D.Va. Even after the storm arrow “nerf” he can pump out 600 damage of pure headshots into that Belguim-sized critbox as soon as you run out of matrix.

And you’ll get one headshot on arrival, so that’s 240 hp damage on top of that, even if armor soaks some, since the matrix does not have enough time to protect your diving into him and protect your missle attack at the same time.


I am masters and have no issue with him and im not even a tank player

There must be some bad hanzo players in masters, huh.

Honestly does not surprise me.

You’d think RMBing into cover/adading the rest, waiting out your missles, then massaging your critbox until a baby comes out would be easy for masters players, but I guess all the real masters Hanzos are smurfing or something.

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Revert dva back into the trash hero she was?

No thank you.


Please no, leave the pink bunny alone.


Yea let’s not. Dva is finally a tank doing her job of displacing snipers and peeling in backline. Lets not make her garbage tier again just because they got too comfortable being safe from any threats for far too long.


Snipers wont even be played that much anymore next patch

If you seriously think Widow’s kiss nerf is going to affect Widow all that much than you have a big storm coming. Widow is overloaded by FPS standards and it shows badly.

Bring it to the runway


The nerf literally removed a massive part of Widow tech, It used to be you could jump a corner and charge a shot and have it ready to shoot someone before peaking the corner giving you the edge in some duels, It is literally impossible to do this now


Like she’s a dive tank or something. Who’s supposed to dive things.

Snipers just got so used to never being countered for 2 years…


Knowing the strengths and limitations of Defence Matrix.

The kicker is that it’s only Widow. D.Va can’t dive Hanzo very efficiently.

Besides. Lord forbid Widow have a counter that isn’t her, right

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Yes, we can definitely look at that. Then we can definitely look away.

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Its strength is you get to live for 2 seconds.

Its limitation is that unless the Spamzo is a potato and spent his storm arrows into that, 2 seconds later you die.


Lord forbid Widow would also get nerfed for once since bodyshot-launch. Everything in between has been buffs and buff reverts, but you know, actual nerfs are for tank plebs.

It’s within line of animation time for regular snipers in FPS games. Widow needs more. I’d say even revert mine’s buff she’s been sitting pretty uncontested for a long time. Even New York VS London heavily showed how overtuned she is. Logics widow shat all over them Widow needs more tuning down before she gets any pickrate changes. Dva diving her isn’t going to magically change her.

All I seen from the OWL matches today was how busted Mei is

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D.Va is currently enjoying double the pick rate and a higher win rate than Hanzo in GM.

You’re more than welcome to keep that defeatist attitude but that’s on you.

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she still sucks.

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