Can we like actually punish leavers

10 min time out > 10 lashes?

maybe jail time for repeat offenders… I mean Kapp but not kapp

the amount of leavers in the first day of the season when its not even like… oh were losing badly (and im a poor teammate) … the were up but lets disregard the fact that this screws 5 people over if I leave with that happening multiple times over 5 placement games is ridiculous


Punishments won’t solve anything, unfortunately.

Comp is a joke when it comes to leavers. It feels like blizzard really don’t care.



Not everyone who leaves does so intentionally.

It’s already unfair that those who leave unintentionally are punished just as much as those who leave intentionally, especially when there’s no need for Blizzard to punish leavers at all as they can add backfill to Competitive to solve the leaver problem permanently.

I know I mean I was being facetious mostly but … I dont know that backfills would work that would also lean towards backfilling people into a losing spot which would be a harsh thing to do but what they could do is perhaps make you win more if you backfill (sr-wise) and lose a lot less if you lose perhaps…

but ya youre correct , there are legit d/c’s and occassional IRL stuff

Of course some DC are legit, but guess a lot are not.

I do feel there should be harsher or penalties especially in first week or two of season.
Had leavers in 3 out of 5 placement matches. One of them we were winning.
Really messes up placements a bit.