đŸ‘©â€đŸ”Ź Can we just "Try" giving Sym Auto-lock back when the PTR updates Please?

Again Moira
 lock on weapon.

How many times have you got caught by a symmetra beam? lol

It’s not working for a multitude of players because they have the worthless playstyle of Syms old beam embedded in their minds.

You couldn’t just walk at enemies with 2.0 and 3.0 is the same. But now you have more range and mobility. It is not a killing tool. It can be, but it’s not it’s major purpose. It’s major purpose is pressure.

She isn’t built as a DPS. So her damage with RMB is weak she isn’t brought because she can melt someone

Also never compare Moira’s “lock on” to what Sym had. They are nowhere close because at least Moira has to be IN your hitbox.

MOIRAS ISN’T LOCK ON. The animation looks like it locks on but it’s a beam just like zarya and sym

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Not :clap:t3: a :clap:t3: lock :clap:t3: on


Then why can’t Sym be visually has well? (at the very least)

It could but that literally wouldn’t change anything???

I’m all for a version of her lock on that has a hitbox slightly bigger than moria’s wespon hitbox. We could ton her damage to balance it out. Also it would need to still be able to lift up objects like with sym 2.0

So her same beam but with different visuals?

You would be surprise how much something would improved if the beam was guiding you.

You do realise Moiras beam connects with the “lock on” animation when they’re being hit with it. So unless you’re actually hitting someone with it it doesn’t look like it’s attached to them.
It wouldn’t be “guiding you” at all, that’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever read

Not if she keeps her mobility.

(Would bring up Skyim UI and without your just wondering like a caveman, going the wrong way etc
 but I don’t think you would get the meaning.)

i don’t know why people want a gun revert when you can just buff her current gun which has way more potential

I feel a lot more in control with this primary than I ever did with the old one. No revert, just buff it.

Because thats not really working.

Not has much as some would want you to believe.

If anything, this ptr Sym was nerfed because of the introduction of Ashe.

And buffing a primary like we have been doing isn’t going to help.

completely giving up is a ridiculous step to take

No what’s ridiculous, is thinking 10m to 12m is all Sym really needed back in August.

her gun needs more help, but reverting is a dumb option

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