Can we just neuter tank impact already?


Look at the doom last 2 min of this game. Ridiculous. This is what pisses people off. This is what happens when you make the game too team orientated and give one role all the power.

Edit: for anyone not watching replay he feeds like a dog one fight and than he basically afks two fights.

You have tried making tanks overpowered no one plays them anyway. Time to just make them balanced.

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Well, jump into this overpowered role. Shortest queues of all. What’s not to like?


Buddy, trust me, coming from a tank main, Just… It is a hellscape to play as a tank, you can do incredibly well, or you can do subpar because your supports wanna hold w into enemy team, and other sort of scenarios, you can get flamed if you win or lose, theres just no denying it, you have to be the center, the boss, and if you cant handle the pain of constantly being the first one to die because your team does not wanna help to then having a boardwipe game where you dominate, its just a very unrewarding role because your size means = shoot for free, so cc oblivion and make us not wanna play

The game was never designed to be slower pace. By you contributing to aggroed positions makes picks quite easier to get singled out and have no window to get back to cover for a closer fight. It’s literally a battle of whoever has the best onset and sought after contribution

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“tanks are op”

Proceeds to play DPS or Support…

If tank is OP. Play it, get that winning feeling and be happy.

(is the role op… or do you just make it easy for tanks to punish you… who knows)


lol thats perfect example of skill issue

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you want to nerf the role, whos job is to make space?

Is it a certain tank giving you problems or are we looking at general nerfs…because remember, they still need to be able to make space.

”Make space” yes hold your shield and protect your team. This giga tank does it all soloes a whole team garbage ain’t making them more popular anyways. Might as well be actual tanks instead that protect the team with shield la like the originally did.

This is precisly what a tank should not do.
This is not making space. Never has been.

Very much was the original design and every one on the opposite side was at least happy. Now. We have zero tanks still and everyone is unhappy.

It very much was not.
Anyone who ever played tank like you described it was doing it wrong.

You can do this against Ai, and it will work well. Issue becomes that people who can think, relies they can just go around a tank whos only value is a shield.

so they need some form of damage/ crowd control as well.

since crowd control isnt popular here, that leaves damage

“nerf tanks”
doesn’t know anything about tanks.

If tanks were walking shield bots, even less people would play them. And they already have a major issue of not enough tank players.

Guess you never played during the game more balanced states. Tanks lost 1v1 vs Ana and dps if they simply were worse players. All there is to it🤷‍♂️

They still do.

Tanks fall over very fast if you mess up against players paying attention.

im not even sure how to reply to that to be honest.

I mean, if you are bad at mitigating damage, or your aim is off- you lose a 1v1

youd definitely lose a 1v2. so that makes sense? even today.

I cant just rush out as junker or doomfist, and expect to win. I have to properly use my kit to win. so if im bad, im ded

(My credentials are that im a bad doomfist player)

Keep trying one day…:hook::worm:


They actually want to play Call of Duty but don’t want to spend the 70 bucks.

Someone actually wants to play that? I thought everyone just hated it atm.