Can we increase kiriko hs dmg?

150 hs with 10 body.
alternatively 175 hs with 1 body.

She has 3x headshot damage…


I know you’re joking, OP, but I’ve often thought it’d be nice to go a bit the other way. I’m not a critlord and 40 damage bodyshots feel pretty much the same as a miss. I wish I could try out 50 damage kunais with a lower crit multiplier (so headshots remain the same or worse than they are now).

Remove her unique modifier and increase her base damage to 50. Fixed

eh i guess?
I don’t mind an increase in body dmg as long as her hs is above 100.
could be 50-60.

“Gut the inique skill expression of the hero and make her feel worse for people who are good at the game to cater to those who can’t. Fixed”


Increasing her damage to 50 with a 2x crit modifier does nothing to “gut unique skill expression” it still results in a 2tap with the side effect of being a little bit more consistent against turrets/ barriers. If it feels bad increase it to 55 (or increase her fire rate).

The 3x crit is little more than a gimmick.


Yeah, they can just change the crit multiplier to be somewhere inbetween x2 and x3 so it remains a reliable two-tap. Like 50 base with x2.2 (110 crits) to x2.4 (120 crits, like Kiriko gets currently). I’m not looking to screw over my headshotting overlords here, I just want a bit of slack for my crappy aim.

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I think it would be stronger at 50/100. Still has 2 tap, but will be more consistent dmg. I doubt many ppl average above 33% crit as her, and anything under that and it’s more dmg per game. And if anything this game needs less across there map burst dmg from projectile spamming.

But I’m also fine with her staying as is.

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I never said it would be worse. You’re absolutely correct that it would be better because mathematically it would be impossible for that change to result in an overall DPS loss.
My point is that it would make her feel worse due the hard cap at a 200 combo rather than 240, making her lose some dueling potential.
And completely seperate from that point, she doesn’t need a buff - if anything she needs some type of nerf (to her general kit).

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How so? 1 headshot and 2 body shots would be 200 dmg in both situations. So hitting more than 1/3 headshots or 33%, and the current 40/120 would be doing more dmg.

I meant over the span of the entire game due to how much more you’d get out of those bodyshots over time. It would be a significant overall damage increase which would make you build kitsune faster.

she only need for kill 2 hits whit 1 headshoot its too op,
Blizz smoke a lot weed.
bap win all vs dps but its balanced they sey :smiley:

Yes, if they hit under 33% headshots it would be a dmg increase over the course of the game. If they average over 33% it would be a dmg loss.

I saw someone call him vulnerable in another thread when he literally efectively has 3-4 healthpools.

That’s true but 33% hs accuracy on a projectile that you also weave in while doing other things is not really sustainable.

¡¡¡all inmortality skill moust by removed!!!
now are imposible to carry a match by a dps, and very easy if you are tank or supp.
The damage of supp its to much.
the great move to return to by a god game its 6 vs 6 whit 2 tanks or 1 tank,3 dps and 2 supp.

Yeah i realized it right after i sent it. Was to lazy to delete it.

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Kiriko’s kunai now bounce harmlessly off of all enemies without doing any damage.

However, if she scores a headshot, not only does the target instantly die, but they explode and do AoE damage to the rest of their team. Greater target base hp = greater damage.

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Just do what all the other kiriko’s do and push the kunai directly into their eye sockets if you hit too many body shots. Walk up to them and click your kunai anywhere on your screen after their head takes up half of it.
Also she needs a hitbox nurf not a buff. She shoots too fast for body spam. Got like 5-6 shurikens out by the time hanzo flicks two arrows.

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