Can we have some heatmaps?

Heatmaps for deaths, routes, turret placement for lower, mid and high rank

It would super interesting to see where most death occur, what route people take and so on

There was a heroes of the storm 3rd party which provided these and there was a lot you could learn from them and improve.


Yea I don’t know how other competitive games provide interesting info to their players in terms of strategies, tips on improvement. OW does seemingly zero of that. But again, i don’t know what any games do

I have no idea either, but transparency is always good.
Blizzard already have the data

People who want to learn are getting the opportunity and it would benefit the community as a whole

Yeah, I’d like to see a collective location of GA spots so I can get better at positioning on certain maps.

And I guess to know at which points do certain abilities get activated and ults. Maybe not ALL abilities but ones during team fights.

Would be pretty neat.

They seem really averse to releasing any kind of stats for this game that aren’t heavily cherrypicked

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I’d love to see the heatmap for Ilios Well. I just wanna see the big red highlighted area that is THE PIT. Like in Mario Maker, where you die and you see a bunch of little X markers pop up where other players have died.