Can we have mercy's ultimate back?

Fair enough, my mistake, I thought you meant Valkyrie :slight_smile:.

mee too now i understand sorry

I agree valk has little skill involved, but thats how mercy has always been. Yes valk is fly around and heal, but its still a good ult to initiate a fight, all nearby teammates having a mercy pocket is quite strong. Sure it will not save ppl from dps ults and things liek grav, but it forces out ults from the other team.

Considering she takes no skill but sheā€™s still used in the overwatch league (even without pharah) I think sheā€™d be even better in plat.

she is a good healer but she needs to be better, mercy alwas needed skill and this is not a skill that save the team like the rez

So if you want her ult buffed, what would you have them nerf to compensate? Cuz she is still a very strong hero.

Depends on the area, 2nd point hanamura for example even if they are running 5 melee heroes on the ground its a bad idea to be in the air, which is where you would normally really want to be. Canā€™t even perch on the top wooden roof thing because of her.

take out the rez and become just a ultimate again. she will take damage while she is in rez and will take 3 seconds to rez

So you want them to revert mercy but make her mass rez take 3 sec to cast and she can take dmg? If im understanding correctly that sounds awful.

Iā€™m okay with it. I was here with mercy 1.0 and that was literally the same :>

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Unless sheā€™s literally in point blank range, If youā€™re getting killed by a Pharah during your Mercy ult, then itā€™s you who is doing something wrong. Remember you also still have your passive regen kicking in immediately during Mercy ult.

And no, Jeff has already stated that they have no plans to revert Mercy.

that sounds better and not op

Iā€™d be fine with mass rez back IF it was line of sight and has its current cast time.

That would make mercy uselessā€¦

not necessarily, have you already played against a pro pharah?

You can always throw their aim off. Pharah is still projectile; meaning she STILL has to predict where you go. And if youā€™re in Valkyrie, she can only damage you by hitting you directly.

As I added though in my post above: Jeff has already stated that they have no intentions of reverting Mercy. Thatā€™s just the way things are.

now mercy is useless it was going to be balanced and good

  • Remove resurrect from being a standard ability on a 30 second cooldown (replace with something else?) and move it to being part of the ultimate with perhaps 2 charges and a 1 second cast time on each?
  • Either nerf chain beams or remove chain beams and replace it with a much more focused beam on your current target?
  • Reduce Valkyrie duration to something like 8 to 10 seconds?

I think some of the above would be a fair starting place, subject to some further changes or ideas?

are you from overwatch team?

I may not be from the Overwatch team; but Iā€™ve been on the forums far longer than you think.

Hereā€™s your proof that they have no plans of reverting Mercy: