Can we have mercy's ultimate back?

sure, that was going to be great!

ā€¦What mercys do you play against? Because all iā€™m getting from this is that they suck. They should be constantly moving, and staying away from heroes like pharah.

And uh, what? We know it can help all of the team, thatā€™s why being able to rez 5 people was op given the rest of her kit. Nobody has forgotten about rez.

As a mercy main, a half ways competent pharah is a much bigger threat than most hit scan when using valk.

it was not op is was the other team that dont kill the mercy first, it was not op it was helpful. if she rez 5 people was the other team fault because they dont pay attention to this


I understand why people donā€™t want mass resurrect back, but something needs to change with her current design. Compared to the old design, the current design requires much less thought process. Statistically thereā€™s not a great deal of difference between a low rank Mercy main and a high rank Mercy main, which is a shame. This means her skill ceiling is at an all-time low. Additionally her ā€˜on fireā€™ needs adjusting.

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ā€¦Iā€™m also a mercy main, and Iā€™ve never had any issues with pharah. I donā€™t doubt that she could be a threat, though.

Iā€™d love for Mercy to take skill again; strategy is sorely needed and very much missed. Valkyrie just has no real impact. Its measly 60/hps wonā€™t save teammates, and you just become a BIG glowing target. WOW, so fun. ._.

And uh, what? We know it can help all of the team, thatā€™s why being able to rez 5 people was op given the rest of her kit. Nobody has forgotten about rez.

Mass Resurrect was NEVER OP. Itā€™s easy to counter if you have a plan and donā€™t just rush in guns blazing. If you waste your ults or your single strategy relies on just ONE team fight, you deserved those kills being undone.


thanks, a person that understand this

Iā€™ve talked about this before.

Do you see my point? Most consistent healer, with the most mobility/ability to escape, and arguably the best ult. Why use any other support at that point?

Butā€¦ valk isnā€™t that bad. Would I like some changes eventually? Sure! But do I really want mass rez back? Sometimes. But then I have to step back and look at how much more utility Mercy has now.

But she has always been like that, what thought process was there beforeā€¦ I have res, let me hide, ive been seen im dead. I have res, let me hide oh my team died let me res them.

an ultimate cant be a scape. it is for help not to go out of a team fight. imagine that hanzo double jump was an ultimate, would you like?

Best at what? Escaping from a fight? Her ultimate is more for herself than it is for her team, I canā€™t remember the last time an opponent or teammate was fussed about Valkyrie happening. It canā€™t remotely outheal small burst damage to a teammate.

its a strategy not a op thing, its intelligent and this ultimate its not helpful

No no no. This whole mess started with resurrect, it is definitely not a good idea to add it back in.

and youā€™re entitled to your wrong opinion

are you talking about me?

Iā€™m not going to waste my time explaining what additional thought process there was, as Iā€™m betting like other defenders of Mercyā€™s current state that youā€™ll just try and twist my words I imagine.

However, all Iā€™ll say is that her current ultimate is near enough what Mercy does except on autopilotā€¦ except freedom to fly around of course. Thereā€™s little skill involved in when or how to use it effectively since it is pretty much fly around and the target priorisation is taken away (chain beam) for 15 seconds. Boohoo, such a big game-making play it did lol /s. Pretty much use the ultimate during the next fight, any fight, thereā€™s no special moment needed for it and you canā€™t really make a huge mistake using it at the wrong moment. Low risk, low reward.

ā€¦excuse me? I never said her ult was an escape, what are you even talking about?
I said she has the best mobility and ability to escape from danger. You know, guardian angel?

Do you think i was talking about valk? I was talking about mass rez when i said ā€˜arguably best ultā€™

Again, I meant REZ was the best ult. We were talking about rez. please.

sorry i dont understant what you tried to say