Can we have mercy's ultimate back?


Man, I see her in every match now because she is underpowered, who KnewšŸ˜‚

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you see every match but dont mean that the players are happy with this

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A lot of players are, thatā€™s thing.

I think she needs some slight changes to her ult, but she is not underpowered.

No one is forcing anyone to play her and she isnā€™t a must pick. People are playing her by choice, that must mean at least some of those people really enjoy her.

are you a mercy main?

Just because someone isnā€™t a mercy main doesnā€™t mean they donā€™t get an opinion on this. And Jellyā€™s got over half the hours Iā€™ve got on mercy.


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That quote doesnā€™t really help anyone though, itā€™s just a painful reminder thatā€¦

  • He didnā€™t post it in the megathread originally, it was moved from another thread into the megathread, so that means he never took the opportunity to read any of the feedback in the megathread(s)
  • It points out win rate and pick rate, which is balance, and people arenā€™t complaining about balance. Iā€™d like to see Mercy have a little higher skill ceiling than the current braindead skill ceiling we have since the rework. Right now Mercy doesnā€™t really need to think much when using Valkyrie, or even how to really use it, itā€™s essentially what she can do (except flying) but instead on autopilot for 15 seconds
  • Of course sheā€™s going to be the one of the most played heroes, her standard kit keeps her in the game still despite the clunky resurrect. Sheā€™s only one of two viable main healers as well, of which is the best one of the two

Mass Rez was fun, but it had to go. It was unhealthy for the game

And no, Mercy definitely does not need any buffs

what if it took 2 seconds to do it, like it does now? That would give you some time to stop her. Plus, thereā€™s the audio cue.

The only problem with mass rez was the community complaining

I kind of like the way sheā€™s reworked now.
I hated it when Mercy would hide and let everyone die only to rez them and get POTG for that.
She doesnā€™t have to hide anymore and has to strategy if she uses her ability to rez a fallen dps or the tank thatā€™s pushing.
Pluz her new ultimate is a must! :smiley: Especially when a large push is coming in and everyone is fighting to keep whatā€™s theirs! She will be watching over them! Healing or giving buffs! Or for an immediate escape plan should you get cornered, and Iā€™m sure a lot of mercy players have been cut off from their team and cornered before.

From what I gather just reading on here sheā€™s been a brainless pick since day 1. Donā€™t get me wrong I love mercy sheā€™s my second most used hero but in what way did she ever take more skill? If anything adding glide, a rez cooldown, and taking away that ridiculous invuln cpuld of only added depth and skill requirements to her kit right? I wasnā€™t around for mass rez but with how long team fights go on now that 20 second breather you get before another comes in is nice to refresh cooldown heal up and get into position. Whatā€™s fair about an entire team coming back from the dead for a second chance to fight an enemy thays just burned all their ults, cooldowns, and still havenā€™t even healed just to steam roll them for winning with full health and all abillities?

Mass Rez was useful but I didnā€™t like it. You spent the match babysitting your ult on the chance that 2 or more people died near each other or having to sacrifice healing for resurrects because more than one person was low. Just didnā€™t find it engaging.

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Lol this again.

There was never anything wrong with mass rez. It was the only counter to deathball which I think needed a reliable counter anyways but uh yeah.

They changed her and made her completely broken for while and now sheā€™s finally tuned down to a spot where she isnā€™t considered broken (Although she is still one of the most picked supports because rez every 30 seconds is invaluable).

I guess I said all of that to say, mass rez is never coming back, ever. As much as Iā€™d love a revert, people are so incredibly insistent that mass rez was broken when really it was just annoying to see more than one enemy be revived when you think you just killed their whole team. Plus, there were in fact Mercys that would wait for as many of their teammates to die as possible before using rez and that could also be annoying for your own team lol but like, yeah. I donā€™t see why so many people hated it, it was an iconic ability and it got trashed in favor of Valkyrie / tempo rez which people still complain about to this day.

Thereā€™s still people who want rez removed entirely.


No one will ever be happy

I personally donā€™t find mass res fun.

It was like playing Brigette, it felt unfair for the enemy team.

To many games I have won by just pushing a simple button.

It just never felt right.

This is just my opinion, but I donā€™t want mass res back. Some other Mercy Mains though have come up with some great ideas to tweak her nowšŸ‘

Thatā€™s actually how Mercy used to be way back when, it was basically a suicide but it did encourage tempo res over hiding and res, but she was pretty under powered, even when it was instant it was suicide, it wasnā€™t until she got invuln as well did she become balanced with it. So I suppose if they did something like mass res, no invuln, and 1 second cast or something + valk as an e ability it could work, but then she would probably be OP again.

But why rework her again when she is well balanced and fun as heck to play now. No need to put Mercy and the community through another rework when there are so many other issues in the game and she might not even come out as good as she is now.

Iā€™d be totally fine with the removal of her unlimited ammo in favor of buffing another part of her kit while in Valk. Like a 5 second reduction to rezz while Valk is active, down to 25 seconds(while valk is active). Or. OR better yet, increased healing per second.

Or something. Mercy rarely uses her pistol, with good reason too. Lore-wise, she hates violence, gameplay-wise. Its nigh useless vs heavier DPS heroes like Soldier, Reaper, Tracer or doomfist for example.

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Can I get a uhhhhā€¦ ļ¼Øļ¼„ļ¼²ļ¼Æļ¼„ļ¼³ ļ¼®ļ¼„ļ¼¶ļ¼„ļ¼² ļ¼¤ļ¼©ļ¼„
:b:lease and thanks

Mercy mains wanted an E ability, so Blizzard took away their ult for the E and replaced it with nothing


And now all we do is press F.
To pay respects.