Can we have a list of banable programs?

I got an email saying I used a 3rd party software but I don’t use visor or pursuit. Maybe it was the nvidia recording software? The email doesn’t give any info or hint.


They seem to have run into hiding after they pushed that warning button. Lots of people are left wondering.

Also if you try to send a ticket to support you wont get a yes or no, just a blanket statement that they support no 3rd party program which funny enough, means if youre streaming using OBS, they potentially can ban you.

I have no clue why they would drop that bomb then go radio silent…

It’s like your boyfriend/girlfriend saying “I love you but we need to talk” and then hangs up on ya lol

Edit: That is word for word the reply i got when i filed a ticket asking about visor;
“We cannot provide information about 3rd party programs, but overall I dont advise them for Overwatch. You do so at your own risk if they change the game in any way”
So basically that guy told me pursuit should be allowed which we just learned isnt but basically what that little sentence means is if youre using ANY program that adds ANY kind of overlay, be it discord, OBS, nvidia shadowplay, it could in theory get you a warning/ban. Which is exactly why WE NEED MORE INFORMATION


ima check now, i never used any of those programs, gonna check if i get a notification too…
Edit: nope, its not nvidia recording software…
remove cheating programs bro

I just build new PC recently, and i wish to install OBS or other recording software to record/stream other games than Overwatch for fun. Now i feel like i cant.

We need list of forbidden programs. I want to follow rules and not get banned. :confused:


It doesnt mean cheating programs honestly, i doubt cheating programs get a warning. Oh you aimbotted from silver to diamond in 1 day? Well dont do it again!
Im pretty sure some innocent 3rd party overlay might also be triggering that email. People are starting to mention OBS and other overlays might be getting flagged but theres no way to know since theyve disappeared since yesterday

Thank you but what is the “cheating program”?

They should let us send them a log file of what is running on our pc like the anti virus people do.

I have nothing to hide lol

Recording software is fine. If they banned Nvidia or OBS then no one could stream OW on twitch.

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Yea i would hold on for that for that. The way visor used to work is you would get an overlay on top of the overwatch process and im suspecting other overlays might be triggering the email so i personally disabled everything until we get some clarification about what is allowed and what is not given that Pursuit is being said to not alter the game in any way and yet is getting flagged for it

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It’s giving an unfair advantage when people use it to get real time coaching tips. I wouldn’t be so sure that it’s allowed. Pretty much the same thing as visor :thinking:

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Pursuit does not give any real time information from what i read, its all stats after the fact

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I want official confirmation tho. I’m not taking any risks with these things, especially when forums are full of conflicting information about this.

i use those too, i didn’t get a notification…they are always careful because hackers use information as their main weapon so blizz is vague about it…and they should be.
frankly its quite easy to know if you have any of those programs installed

I’m talking about visor and obs. I dont even know what that other one is, or care.

I mean there is a couple people being flagged that do not use pursuit or visor which is what brought us here

proof…youre but words.
you might be just a person thats unhappy those programs got banned.

I’m 110% sure you CAN use OBS. They openly stated that any software that give an advantage to players by reporting back to you where player locations are, what player ult charges are at and so on are bannable.

OBS doesn’t even know what game you’re playing. All it does it report the screen and/or stream it to a service. You are safe using these programs.

Continuing the discussion from Unauthorized Third-party Software:

I did try visor but it dropped my frame rate to a point that makes the game way too hard to play on my system so i actually am not using it, never used pursuit at all and everything i know about it i learned since yesterday.

I’m actually concerned about other programs getting flagged

Yeah, this entire pursuit thing confuses me the most. And i heard in the past that some people have got themselves into trouble because of Discords overlay.

I have used Discord without overlay and Plays tv for recording (i stopped using that when highlight capture was added) just fine in the past, so it’s very likely that i’m worrying for nothing, but i’m going to wait for now, until official confirmation.

I’m 110% sure you CAN use OBS. They openly stated that any software that give an advantage to players by reporting back to you where player locations are, what player ult charges are at and so on are bannable.
OBS doesn’t even know what game you’re playing. All it does it report the screen and/or stream it to a service. You are safe using these programs.
For example, a third-party application that offers users information such as enemy position, enemy health, enemy ability usage, or Ultimate readiness creates an uneven playing field for every other player in the map.

From what i can understand, pursuit doesnt do any of that and is still banned

there you go… you did use it…
let me tell you something, it’s probably still in your registry , which blizz can see, programs like that are basically viruses, they use unorthodox stuff to operate…to avoid detection.
if you just “uninstalled” it, its probably not completely removed from your PC…you need to find a way to remove it.

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