Can we get the 10 Avoid slots any time soon?

Like before Overwatch 3 launch?

Or start coming up with a new collab for a mental health research institution

Because this trash matchmaking is f unbearable


If they give you 10 avoid slots have fun looking for a match.

On an added note a lot of the times people you avoid may not need to be avoided, I avoided people who performed terribly on my team a lot in the past but I really see no difference in my match quality, most the time just waiting a minute or two before queue is sufficient enough.

I gave up on avoids, some people have bad games or play intoxicated ~ does not mean they are bound to keep getting matched up on a team with you

please there are too many one trick morons throwing every other match

I would rather wait 8 hours for a game than play with a doom OTP for 10 mins


Thanks, but I would very much like those 10 slots

I rather play with someone that actually knows what hell he is doing, Any Day, over the average moron that comes out of respawn with a new character like if we were playing Mystery Heroes

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Play with a stack or just uninstall tbh, every game on solo queue is a huge hit or miss & sometimes it’s not even one persons fault.

Just a total lack of team cooperation, you are living in fantasy land if you think they can put you with competent carrying team every match.

Too many factors exist such as intoxication, sleep deprivation, first game on, irl distractions. The greatest of matchmaking couldn’t even counter these factors so it’s basically just stack up with some people or enjoy your 50/50 matchmaking :smiley:

I don’t want more avoid slots.
I want avoid filters, that work on both teams, to filter out…

  • new accounts
  • console players
  • anyone more than one full rank below the average
  • anyone queued up in a role they don’t have at least 100 hrs gametime playing

There is no reason why a player with over 2,400 hrs in this game should be dealing with any of the above. They should be playing against each other.

EDIT: Obviously the above are all matchmaker issues, which beyond boggles the mind. I mean, if you could assure better quality matches, wouldn’t you wait in queue longer for it?

I believe the only people who would disagree are smurfs and large groups who do not suffer the above issues.


This should be mandatory

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Doom OTPS 99% of the time are clueless lmao

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Ok, but let’s assume they are good one tricks xD

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They’re usually not. Even in GM no one likes getting Doom OTPs. Can’t even imagine low ranks with him

I think people are aware that avoiding a lot of people causes longer queues. Id love to have 20 avoid slots and sit waiting for a game for 20 minutes if it means no OTP on my team. YOU can chose not to avoid more than 5 people. No one is forcing you to have a long queue time

I am not the one complaining about queue time, I don’t avoid anyone anymore. Know why?

Because it doesn’t matter, either stack up or take the forced 50/50 win rate.

Avoid 30+ people you won’t get the result you are after :smiley:

in qp i agree, I rarely see the same ppl in qp and don’t see a need for that but in comp i see the same ppl over and over. Avoiding people while playing comp has actually been a need for me. If i have a bad player and avoid them and they get on the other team, they lose. The reason why you think we wont see the result were after is because there’s more than 3 “bad” players out there. Avoid more bad players, less chance of bad players on your team.

For reference I am role queue comp player, I play all roles and almost all characters.

This is a team game are you really sure the people you avoid deserve it? Specifically speaking in the tank area I am curious, lots of dps/support deserve an avoid I can agree with that.

I rarely avoid tanks, its usually dps and sups. I also do role queue comp and main sup so I generally see everything that happens and watch where people are going and what they’re doing. The people I avoid are the people that lack positioning awareness, lack the ability of grouping up (going in 1v5 MULTIPLE times), and just not pulling their weight. I understand sometimes getting steamrolled and going 2-8 but when we’re 15 mins in and you have 2k dmg/healing and are 4-3 you might just get put in an avoid slot.

Tanks have a hard time as is, I play every role almost every character to some extent and honestly tank is most miserable especially if team won’t play with you.

I often have the most issues with heal bot supports, I love good healing & all but sometimes they just need to whip out that dps a bit when our actual dps are not capable

(edit): I strive as a dive tank but I can have 3-5 people critical hp sometimes whether it be as Doomfist or Winston and my team does ZERO follow up damage to finish the team kill

I feel your pain, trust me. I play most supports so I never have a problem with counter picking (i only dont play zen, lucio, and iliari in comp). Most the time I can tell when a tank is suffering because of the rest of the team vs when they’re suffering bc of lack of awareness of their team and enemy team. Recently, i’ve been seeing a lot more supports doing dmg rather than healing, not sure why. I wont lie that i lean towards heal botting now because I always got accused of not healing enough. Now it’s a habit im trying to break but it’s also hard to not heal bot when your other support is not pulling their weight in heals.

We need this ASAP

Sometimes heal botting is the way to go but if you notice your tank struggling to finish kills perhaps play moira and get that finishing damage in on the right people.

Same goes for if you notice your dps struggle to dps, you can still heal them but if they are doing that bad to the point you can out perform your team dps as a moira or insert_other_support_dps then it is sometimes the best thing for the team to just dps and heal on the side.

When I played support frequently I would try for the heal bot in the start but if our team was lacking I would compensate for some damage

I didn’t include this but yeah moira is my go to when my dps are struggling for kills/finishing off kills. I think Moira was my first played hero so im really good at playing her and balancing my kills/deaths/dmg/healing. Usually 15+ kills, under 5k dmg, around 10-15k healing, maybe 20k healing in a good comp match. Usually it’s when i have to go moira to finish off kills is when someone is getting avoided after that.