Can we get some heroes that are ACTUALLY difficult to play?

While some people have smaller hitboxes that doesn’t change the fact that most people can not just hit free kills.
Free kills eh?

You don’t like my idea? :cry:

Also Ana isn’t low skill or she would be the highest pick in the lower tiers. She’s effective at mid to high tiers and has a high skill ceiling getting better with the better the player lol she requires a certain level of input that a lot of players don’t have to be good. :slight_smile:

On top of high positioning requirements due to no mobility, high gamesense for shutdowns and having to rely on a high cd skill shot for defence.

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Pick rate has no bearing on the difficulty level of a hero. If I wanted to point and click I’d play Mcree or Widowmaker. Most Ana players just need to find a safe spot to shoot their teammates from. Almost braindead

Okay, what’s wrong with Hammond? His ball movement and hitscan cannons seem pretty skill-cappy to me.

I could be wrong, I think he’s saying Hammond is high skill but he doesn’t enjoy him.

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I think you are mid understanding my point. Those ranks simplely arent skilled enough to play her effectively. They don’t have the accuracy to land shots they need to consistently. It’s not as simple as just point and click especially on character like genji and tracer moving all over the place. It’s even harder on console.

There is nothing brain dead about Ana. She has zero mobility and is always the target to get rushed. You don’t just sit there and click or you dead. What’s skilless about sleep dart? It’s probably the hardest ability to use in the game. She requires a ton of input the whole time


Hammond isn’t really a tank, he’s an off-tank. He can’t protect his team and he’s primarily focused on disrupting the enemy team. I don’t like him because he isn’t a true tank. If he dropped a barrier at least instead of his shield buff, he could be a tank

That’s just a matter of accuracy. Point and click. Find a safe spot and do more stationary pointing and clicking. It’s not that difficult, even bronze pc players have good tracking.

Of course she’s brain dead, don’t listen to what the noobs tell you about her. Literally all she needs to do in order to be effective is shoot her teammates and doesn’t need to worry about using her nonexistent mobility. If someone jumps on Ana, she’s usually dead anyway

That wasn’t even a reply to you or even about your opinion.

I can’t tell if you are trolling or not. But if you don’t think Ana requires skill and accuracy is jus point and click and bronze players have good tracking. That’s just to much to unravel lol

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Bronze players do have good tracking, not as good as Diamond and up, but they can reliably heal their team as Ana. After all, they are using a mouse, it’s not that hard. Ana just stands still and shoots her team, it’s not much different than Widowmaker, and Ana’s scoped hitbox makes scoped shots easier to hit

Doomfist, Ana, Sombra, and Wrecking Ball are all high-skill heroes.

Compared to other stuff in Overwatch… maybe. They’re not really that hard

BuT sOmBrA nEeDs No SkiLL tO pLaY!!

Bronze Anas are so good that they can’t even break 45% winrate with her.

The first thing you do when making comparisons is remove common factors. They take positioning and ult management? So does every hero kinda thing.

Smambra’s 4 abilities are all easy to use now, and having a low dmg weapon doesn’t equal skill, while I do agree it is hard to get results with her, there is really nothing skillful left in her kit. Besides most of her ability is removing skill from others, putting someone at a disadvantage =/= being skillful.

Doom takes ability away from his targets making them east targets while moving quickly himself, if you can’t shoot slow moving targets that can’t properly defend themselves I don’t know what to say. If everything in his kit wasn’t designed to cripple and take away from people ability to defend themselves I would agree, but there is nothing skillful about CC. (except maybe sleepdart)

Gengu? has to know how to use his own projectiles and other projectiles+hitscan with deflect while the enemy is given every opportunity to control themselves in a meaningful way.

Now I don’t play Gengu so I can’t really go past him needing to have ability in most fields, but I can say there was rarely a (non ult) time as a healer main i couldn’t have done something better to have won against him since it was rare to just instantly die to him, comparing that to say doom who if he doesn’t just instantly kill you locks you into movements so you can’t properly defend yourself or Smambra who leaves you unable to do anything other than ‘m1+wasd’.

No Doom and Smambra are not high skill, Gengu and Tracer are because they can only get their results while a target is fully able to fight back. (Keep in mind Tracer and Gengu make my life hell, but Smambra and Doom just feel cheese to get killed by.)

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20 characters

I’m all for having more heroes that have high skill gaps, just so long as they keep to the principle of every hero being more or less equally viable at every rank and don’t make the hero OP just because he’s “skill-based.”

Yeah like Mei, Torbjorn, Symmetra and even Bastion.

Heroes that are “fun to play”, am I right

man if those Ana’s could aim at their attacker or have any sort of mobility to run away, maybe they wouldn’t DIE all the time. Healers can’t heal when they’re dead. If only she had mobility to make up for dying all the time? Lol