Can we get rid of movement slowdowns while shooting?

Mostly affecting Orisa and D.Va.
It’s a stupid nonsense penalty. Neither of them are exactly damage powerhouses.

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Orisa does surprising damage, especially when ulting and landing headshots. You get SHREDDED. She can even defend herself against Reapers she catches she sleeping.


For Orisa I can agree on since she got a damage nerf.

For D.VA…? Well, not sure. She still does a lot of damage with Micro Missiles and shooting combined.

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imo I just think it should be removed during Fortify for Orisa.

There’s one reason behind not doing it (one that i personally hate btw), that would be an indirect buff to Lúcio, since he would be able to boop those 2 into oblivion

It adds character :slight_smile:

The devs already said that their resistance to boop was a bug and that it’s actually on their list of things to fix.

Between Orisa’s immobility and Lucio being hard to hit, it’s going to be a bad day when that fix finally gets implemented.

It’s also a buff to Doomfist.

So, removing it would make several heroes better off.

Maybe I’m being dumb; but how would it buff Doomfist?

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Bastion arguably has the worst one, to be honest/s

The movement slowdown that causes D.Va and Orisa to move slower when firing also makes them get knocked less by Lucio boop and punched a shorter distance by Doomfist, then they don’t hit a wall like they would have.


Oh, I see. I thought that boop bug was already fixed like ages ago.

Not in regards to Doomfist, I can testify from current experience.
If it still affects him, it probably still affects Lucio.

Orisa’s slowdown is there particularly to mitigate Lucio’s boop; if she’s shooting, she can’t be booped as far.

I’ve been playing loads of Doomfist myself lately and I’ve never even noticed (mainly because of the fact that and Orisa usually don’t stand a chance against Doom regardless whether they hit a wall or not) that they get booped a shorter distance.

I was so 100% sure that it was intentional because they technically have less time to “react” to a knockback. Like I could have sworn it was purposely like that

Agreed. The movement penalty for DVa is negated by her jets since she can fire while using them. Orisa’s movement penalty should be negated for the duration of Fortify as well.

Bastion sprinting around at 5.5 meters per second with his minigun

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Also I want to remark that it makes Sym’s turret slows absolutely ridiculous. I think it’s a bug, but D.Va, Orisa, Rein, and Brigitte are essentially at a standstill when getting turreted. It’s bonkers.

The movement slowdown also doubles as a cc counter too though.

Lucio, Pharah, Brigitte, etc cant boop Dva and Orisa as far as they can others because that slowdown.

So be careful what u wish for here.

The question people should be asking is:

Why doesn’t Pharah get pushed around in the air whenever she fires rockets? How does she keep still while ulting, even?