Can we get juno back in the meta please

It’s actually crazy how much more enjoyable the game was when Juno was meta. Especially as a tank, I don’t have to deal with getting perma slept / anti’d all game.

She unironically needs to replace Ana as the support hero that’s perma meta. Because now that we’re back to seeing ana in pretty much every single game, boy oh boy do I miss Juno.


Ana left? She’s still in just about every game I play same as always

That’s my point she’s back now because they’ve just been nerfing and nerfing and nerfing Juno. Which to a point I understand but at the same time, we need to start realizing and have a dialogue on the fact that Juno BEING at the top was the best thing possible because we finally got a support that didn’t rely on cancerous aspects to get going and to be at the top.

She was just pure mobility. No stuns, no CC of any kind, no ridiculous self heal, no immortalities, JUST mobility and good healing.


My point is that Ana never left for most ranks lol

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I’m not talking about most ranks.

Well I am and Ana never stopped being awful

Ana was already one of the best supports even when juno was “giga broken” and they just kept nerfing juno over and over, while Ana got a buff for her primary fire.

Worse is that even when Ana crawled back to the top spot of the meta last season because of that buff and Hazard’s OPness they just gave her a slap on the wrist nerf, while Juno (who wasn’t even the top support anymore) got more heavy nerfs to her ult.

There’s also the fact that Ana got probably the best perks in the entire roster (every single one of her perks is broken as hell), while other supports like Mercy and Lucio got mostly unnoticeable perks and you can clearly see who their actual golden child is (and people complain that it’s Kiriko just because she gets skins lol).

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Juno brig is fun? Ok

That is a bigger problem.

Ana, Bap or Kiriko are annoying sure, but they can actually be shot at.

Juno flying around, giving speed boosts to the team and just abusing no accel, hitbox flip mechanics is insane.

And no, its not a skill issue. She was over evasive.

Ana wasn’t too annoying the first few months she was meta, either. Eight years later… not so much.

What if Blizzard just balanced their roster so that every hero had a decent shot at being meta, and no one hero was overstaying their welcome. Better yet, balance their roster so that the meta is soft and you still see plenty of variety.