Can we get another Developer Update?

I don’t care what Jeff talks about, I just want another one. Right now it kinda feels like we as a community have absentee parents, like we’ve been getting regular visits but suddenly they just cut off for some reason. Please pay us a visit Papa Jeff :blush:


You and me both. It’s been since June I believe. Talk to us Jeff :sob: I don’t need another parent to disappear out of my life


We need another fireplace vigil with a somber Jeff looking disapprovingly at the masses.


Honestly I thought Jeff would present the ticket along with an update. (I don’t get what going on anymore.)

June 28th was the last Developer Update… That’s the longest silence we have had from the devs and they also hit us with the worst seasonal event we have had since launch.

Blizzcon isn’t too far off, but as consumer we have no idea where the franchise is going anymore.


if we ask nicely we might get a new one in 3 years


Not to mention the worst month I think we ever had. (which we are still recovering from)


I don’t think the worship of certain individuals is healthy, neither for them nor for the game.

First of all, they’re not our friends, they’re not family. They’re the company that sold us a product.

Secondly, on a more human level, I’ve seen it, and everyone who watches also has seen it. People who get “idol” like status, and they’re being worshiped to a ridiculous extent by a certain fanbase, they end up being judged way more harshly when they fail. And we all fail at some point.

I’m pretty sure, they themselves would prefer to be seen as designers ceo’s artists etc etc and be judged for their work and admired, not for their persona or how cutely awkward they appear on a dev update, but for their actual profession


I would remove the word “Developer” and “Jeff”, you might get the thread locked.

Dinoflask is crying, please we need a new developer update –


umm you do realise dev updates tell us what they are doing in terms of the game? i dont care what any of them do in their personal lives but for some reason you seem to think dev updates are about them and not about the game…ummm okay mate?


You do realise that I was reffering to the “parents” part and the “I don’t care what they talk about” part.

Also, Take a chill pill or ask your mom to make you some warm milk or smthn :slight_smile:

Why though? It’s not like they’ve done updates solely because of a skin.


ok , that was deep…

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for a second this got my hopes up

Everyday without a developers update. Is another day without a parent. It cuts a little deeper each day :confused:

That’s around the charity event. Not the skin.

What on earth could you talk about for 5 minutes with the sombra skin only?

I would note it is a Thursday specifically after a live patch release. The trend in the last few patches the next testing patch usually releases the Thursday after a Live Patch Tuesday. However there is no guarantee that this will happen. Back in the day, PTR patches and live patch releases were weeks apart from each other.

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it’s not that deep fam