Can we get a team health thing added to the hud like in OWL?

Now, I understand we cannot do this for red team as well because that would be silly, but it would be great if we could get it as a HUD option for blue team for healers. I do my damndest to keep everyone up and make sure i am watching everyone, but this would make it so i can more easily multitask while still keeping an eye on everyone.


I thought you can turn on ally health bars?

I would like to have the Overwatch League HUD overlay ingame, which shows health, ult charge and their dead/alive condition. Just remove the enemy part of it and keep the team one, and voila - you’ve significantly improved situational awareness, a QoL update to healers, and we have to stop using TAB continously to get a quick update on things.


I mean constantly present up top left. Niryna puts it well.

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Yes, yes you can. Do this for all heroes, not just healers- it’s really useful.

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Sorry did not see that post

Here’s my reply on another thread with a similar idea, but it goes further in also giving info to your non-healer teammates.

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And Racillian: yes, i saw that thread (though late enough that i didnt want to read through the whole thing) and quite liked the initial post.

It doesn’t show through walls nor does that indicate debuffs unless you have LOS on your teammate which you might not have if you are in front of your teammate (who for example is a healer being hacked).

All good, I thought I might mention it since I thought it went into more detail.

If we are already at it, add to the HUD option to see how many seconds left for someone that is dead in your team to respawn. maybe it can help lower the staggering since people in low ranks can understand that if they wait a specific number of seconds, their team will be there.