Can we get a report category for "healer not healing"?

I’m a casual QPer and this game is practically unplayable if someone decides to just ignore their role in a 5v5. I get that it can be a little fluid with tanks, but there really isn’t any ambiguity that supports should be healing more than damaging.

If it’s like <500 by the end of the game I feel comfortable reporting AFK, but the issue is more like they’ll have an amount of healing, but then they’ve done twice as much damage (in a game where we clearly needed healing)- it’s usually an Ana, Moira, or sometimes Bap.


By definition that is “griefing”.
That report category already exists.


Support is there to Support the team, they are not “Healers” that is only 1/2 their kit. remember all the dps players begged for this and that’s why the Dps debuff exists.

TLDR: nope you asked for this.


Play better? I am not sure how that is the support players fault…


Healers should heal. I would report any dps that doesnt attack the enemy, or tanks that wont move past chokes.

This is a team game, if you are not going to heal, dont play a healer.


Okay, but explain to me how I was told I was a bad Lifeweaver because I joined as a backfill and didn’t have nearly as much healing as my cohealer.

I was rudely spoken to because I hadn’t yet outhealed the Lucio, but had managed to get pretty high up there even backfilling.

So as much as I agree, I also don’t because of the false reporting bullcrap that’s been happening every which way.


DPSing is very much a support’s job. And you, as a DPS (or tank), don’t get to dictate to your support how much they should—or should not—be DPSing. Playing poorly is not actionable. DPSing a little too much and healing a little too little is not something you should be spamming game reports on. Throwing, however, is reportable. But throwing is more obvious. Like purposely running off the map repeatedly, or sitting in spawn. That should be reported.


You should just probably switch around that unless they just outright let you die next to them ignoring you or doing some dumb stuff like feeding to flanks the entire game. If not then swapping tanks and DPS is usually the answer and going something that wouldn’t need so much healing

Fixed that for you… there are damage with healing options does that make them healers? should they do nothing but use those heals for the team? if your answer is anything except no you are the problem :slight_smile:


Would you accept a dps player that wont fire their gun?


The only support that should ever be doing “zero” damage is Mercy, but her actual damage numbers are concealed in personal stats for damage boost. I wish they’d count it towards her damage on the scoreboard.


is this a role playing game?
heroes just have various abilities.
no one can be forced to do certain things


It is disingenuous to pretend that a DPS refusing to participate is the same as a support player out damaging a DPS player actively trying. :joy:

It’s not the argument you believe it to be, Disco. Maybe they SHOULD report the dps for getting out damaged by a zero heal support. One of those members is objectively doing more and it ain’t the one you are blaming because of your entitlement. :face_with_monocle:


It is not disingenuous, that is the fact of the matter. If you queue up as a healer, you need to utilize your healing.


Sorry, no. I’ve had one genius whining over my healing yesterday to a point he was literally fuming, calling me the worst MORIA (I love how he repeated this like 15 times, you’ll know who you were) player ever, whining how I’m not healing his clumsy rear charging alone into battle and dying, despite me almost exclusively sticking to him (he was a tank). And looking at my healing numbers, I was 2nd best healer iirc (I know I wasn’t the worst at all and I had about the same healing numbers as whole) in entire game while also having quite some kills.

People who whine over healers are annoying. I also play as DPS and I’ve not once complained over any healer and probably never will. I’ll really have to have supports spinning in place on spawn for me to do that.


Fixed that for you again, you really need to take a break homie.


If my heals aren’t enough for my team when I’m trying my best to support them, I swap to Zen. Utilize this orb.


Nah. I also suggest reporting anyone who refuses to play just because sombra is around. There’s no amount of mental gymnastics that will excuse someone from griefing their team just because someone is using a playable character.


I am not saying be a heal bot, but if your damage is 8k and your healing is 2k, you are throwing. Your team would be justified in reporting you.


That needs more context. There can be instances where you just don’t need to heal as often so damage would be higher.