Can we get a memorial to Stephen Hawking?

There are a lot of great minds. Mentioning them doesn’t contribute to anything productive and you can’t give all of them special treatment.

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Still just a man, and again people die every second of every day, just because you heard about him dosent make his death any different from anyone else


You could literally say that about anything in this game.

Winston definitely needs something related to this.


While he has no relationship with the game itself, as a Scientist and with Overwatch being heavily invested in highlighting ‘technology’ and sciences, it wouldn’t be an unreasonable jump.

Is it likely to be done? Probably not-- but it does no harm to want.

People will find anything to fight over.


The downplaying of Hawking’s importance to humanity in this thread boggles my mind.

He wasn’t just a random celebrity. Blizzard made tributes to actors and singers before, why wouldn’t they want to make a tribute to one of the greatest minds of the century?

Not to mention how big of an example of resilience he was.


bumping this until the end of time. It would be really sad to see the reminder in game but I think it would be a great testament to the life of a monolith of science for our generation to always remember


Bloody hell, didn’t even know he’d gone. Sad times.


If there is a character who should or would have quotes of Stephen Hawking, that would be Moira.

She already has two quotes of Oscar Wilde when she sees through telescope in Horizon, a man who is a very famous Irish Poet. Also, the most obvious one, her Glam skin. She is somewhat a walking reference of some things we are all more or less familiar with.


It’s a bit more than ‘heard about him’. I know his work and how he came to be who he was.

I don’t think she creates black holes.


Just a man yes, but with exceptional achievements.

Even if we say “giving tribute to X”, what is meant is “giving tribute to X’s achievements”.
Hawking was not a better human being than any of us ? true.
But his achievements were far above the average, this is undeniable and should be remembered. Let his family and close friends mourn him as a person. Let us mourn him as a great physicist that achieved way more than most, under exceptionally hard circumstances.


I was about to create a thread asking for this :slight_smile: Sir Hawking was a living symbol of turning science, maths, and generally understanding life’s mechanics into a lifelong passion.

The influence he had on Space exploration, understanding, time relativity, stars, black holes and recently AIs, and how he pursued this passion with such love against his disability is inherently a huge inspiration for all SF related arts. He also never turned evil, cocky, disrespectful, and even still maintained a great sense of humor and humility despite his influence. He just loved to understand, to push the boundaries of imagination and theories into concrete findings. Which is what every SF enthusiast is made of, basically.

Overwatch does mix these themes, I think a memorial or some kind of reference would be a great way for saying “thank you, sir, your mind will still be with us”.
Rest in peace, genius :’(

There will be decades before another Hawking emerges.


I agree 100%.
We need a memorial, voiceline, reference, anything.


I really liked him but i can’t see any connection he had with Overwatch, so i don’t support this.


He was diagnosed with Lou Gehrig’s disease and given two years to live. However, he lived for 55 more years.

In that space of time, he lived his life to the fullest. His book, “A Brief History of Time” made ordinary blokes love Physics again.

I would absolutely love it if Winston could be given a voice line to reference Stephen Hawking.


My thoughts exactly. Nothing can stop the infamous toxic naysayers of the OW community from ruining everything. Negative and self centered to the bone.


Please don’t do it. Focus your resources into improving things like matchmaking, balance and future development. It has already been demonstrated that even Blizzard’s resources are limited so we have to prioritize things like this.

So you’re implying that adding a few letters on a simple prop or having Winston’s VA do an additional voice line would take the entire OW team to accomplish? Goodness gracious, the amount of gems in this thread is truly amazing.


Not to mention that this would be a task for the graphics design department, which already have nothing to do wirh the things he’s talking about


The story of Hawking’s journey is exactly what the Overwatch universe tries to teach everyone–that anyone can be a hero. That anyone can step up and do great things, regardless of their situation. Additionally, his findings in the field of Physics are what led to some of the things we see in Overwatch today.

Stephan was an inspiration to those with disabilities, along with those wishing to pursue a career in science. In my opinion, there should be a reference to him-- whether that be in the form of a voice line or, as the OP said, something on the side of the Horizon telescope.