In these forums you get banned for posting a joke because someone trigger happy feels hurt.
Most jokes are not flagged or shutdown, it is only the ones meant to mock a specific user. Some of them can find that funny and laugh at themselves, but others will not. Regardless of the person being targeted being okay with it or not though, Blizzard would never make a section for mocking others.
So the jokes section would be reserved for just cleaner humor that adhered to the same rules as the regular forums.
Or just ban the party poopers for toxicity
Are there seriously jokes that mock users? Because that ain’t cool. That’s not what I am trying to support - but there are definitely people that make it a much bigger deal than it needs to be.
But people just need to understand that not everyone has bad intentions. Not everyone is trying to mock others and harrass people. And that’s what I am talking about.
Sometimes we could all use a good laugh
Yes, there is. They copy the format with the intention of making the post and the person who posted it seem like a joke and an idiot for bringing up whatever topic they care about quite often. Or to make fun of their phrasing.
That is mockery. It doesn’t have to be cruel mockery. Sometimes we all do stuff that deserves to be mocked, and many of us can laugh at ourselves when that happens. It can be part of the fun of the insult humor. But what your left with if the humor isn’t there is just an insult, it is the inherent risk to that type of humor.
In addition what one person finds a serious issue that they would resent being mocked over, another may find a non-issue and decide to take the piss. It can lead to upset feelings, and encourage teasing or bullying, even when that wasn’t the original intention of the OP.
Look how many people now use “cultists,” in a very mean spirited way towards Mercy players, even though the OP of that thread probably did not intend that and was just making an amusing observation he noticed while in class.
Even some people who say they are okay with it are secretly upset if they get targetted, but don’t want to show that for a variety of reasons.
This kind of thing is complicated, because human beings are messy and complicated. And no two brains or personalities are exactly alike.
It is far easier for Blizzard to monitor and police if they just put a blanket prohibition on such types of posts.
I completely get where you are coming from - and I agree with many of the points you made. However, whilst I am sure that it is ‘easier’ for Blizzard to have a strict and basic rule for those type of posts it doesn’t exactly provide the freedom we deserve when posts which mean no harm get flagged. And if it is easy for them to do that to joke posts, then why can’t they do it to the toxic balance posts?
A few things that are problem with this statement.
First and foremost, just because you didn’t mean any harm, that doesn’t mean you haven’t caused any harm. We have all put in our foot in our mouths at times, it’s part of being human. But Blizzard doesn’t really want their forum users hurting each others feelings, for obvious reasons. It just isn’t good for business.
Two, it is impossible for Blizzard to read the minds of people who post these things. It is beyond easy to make a mean spirited mockery of someone, intending to be insulting and hurtful, and then play the “I was only kidding, lighten up,” card the second you start to face consequences. Blizzard is not a mind reader, they don’t even have access to body language and tone of voice on a forum. A policy that is directed towards actions is much more viable than one focused on intentions.
Lastly, it presumes the policy is there only to protect the feelings of the person who wants to mock someone else, rather than the person being mocked. This is not the case. You probably won’t stop playing a game if you have to post your memes on Reddit. But a user who has been harassed too much on say mic, brings it to the forums, and then gets mocked for complaining about it (actual thing that has happened) may just decide not to play the game anymore. Blizzard obviously wants both of your money, so it’s in their interests to cut down on toxicity through Blizzard branded channels.
They do. They have deleted a few toxic Mercy balance posts not too long ago.
i am offended and I am reporting you
but in all honesty, it does make my post look kinda stupid - and seriously, these types of things do cause serious risks because as you said it’s hard to interpret how everyone actually feels; the OP, the memer, the ‘victim’, and it really does make all of it a bigger deal than it needs to be. And Blizzard aren’t psychologists, mind readers or anything of the sort and I agree with that too.
With your last point, I suppose Reddit is the only answer for humour related comments. I suppose that is what Reddit was designed for, right? And really, even with Reddit, it’s the same deal. Not as strict, but you really do have to be careful.
With the balancing threads, it’s not just Mercy. I have seen a billion of these angry threads with other heroes and I am sick of it. I understand that they are trying to an extent but it is getting out of hand.
Ahh yes my kingdom. It would be an honor to come
this post offends me since I don’t understand it
Me when i look at math