People wont smurf in arcade but they will cheat if the game is free to play and has no consequences to just making a new account every time you get banned. Free to play games typically have a large issue with cheating.

i am against battlepass in OW


Only if we get more fortnite dances and battle royale mode in overwatch.

Elimination doesn’t count.

It won’t. <20 characters>

Too add too it blizz would need to prove they can balance the game and make it worth the extra cost and even with 2-2-2 coming in peolle are still not happy with it because it doesn’t fix bad balance patches.

As long as we get the first one for free and you can get subsequent ones for free if you play enough, then I guess I’d be fine with it.

i don’t see why someone would want to cheat in arcade, they’d have to pay to access QP or comp, and blizz is no small company

Why wouldn’t someone cheat in arcade? People have been cheating in video games for decades, long before they had ranked modes. Arcade contains modes like FFA where things like aimbots would run wild with kids running around headshotting everyone with widow or mccree.

I don’t play battle royale and free to play games for a reason please keep that garbage out of here.

I love these answers. They speak to nearsightedness and naivete.

Plenty of games have gone free to play after years of being a purchase platform.

Team Fortress 2 is a very notable example. They made the transition by awarding “Premium account” status to anyone who had a purchased copy. Therefore not screwing them over.

Overwatch will eventually go one of two ways. Mothballed so no one will play it or free to play so they can increase the amount of microtransactions in the game. The trend of game price is showing they are looking to increase the player base.

i didnt really want it sound like i think it will never happen it was meant to sound like: “what if something random happend”

Why do I want to pay for a battlepass in a game I already paid?
A daily reward or mission system is better than having to pay 2 win cosmetics and other random accessories.

Depends if they make any necessary changes to playing certain heroes. inb4 it becomes those f2p games where you need to pay for the full roster and other features like custom games and comp.

Battle-pass only work when the game is free-to-play, OW cost $60. It’s enough buying tokens, loot-boxes etc. Definitely not a good idea.

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I can already grind for loot boxes.
I can already pay for loot boxes if I don’t have time to earn them during a time limited event.

Why would I want to pay for the chance to grind for stuff?
It’s a ridiculously bad value proposition.

How about no :slight_smile: ok…

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Battle passes are horrible and make the game feel cheap.
I don’t wanna pay anymore.

ive had enough of crappy battle passes.

The Game already is cheap… $15 isn’t a lot for a live service type of game. I get it’d be hard on consoles but do they need a battle pass that separates the competitive from the casuals? aren’t they all casuals?

Mb OW2 with have the BP

