Can we fix the SR losses from leavers/DCs

So I just had a game on Hollywood where one of our teammates left before we reached the first choke on attack. I guess this was just after the match cancellation deadline because the game went on as normal. Well of course we were full held on point A and barely even touched the point. After our attack, 3 more players leave my team so we defend 2v6. Obviously they cap in seconds and the game is over.

As a result my SR dropped from 2225 to 2175. So a 50 SR drop on a game that I have next to no chance of winning or affecting.

Next game my team is playing really well, me included and I contribute a lot to our win. My SR goes up to 2202.

How is it still possible that the SR loss/gain is not balanced when there are DCs/leavers on your team? I rarely care about my SR but this season I’ve really made an extra effort to grow my support game and rise up the SR and then stuff like this happens…

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Blizzard are oblivious. There’s a leaver every other game and they are barely punished. It never has been fixed and believe me, it never will.


You dont lost 50sr from leavers alone.

Sure you can, especially if your MMR is lower than your SR

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Why did you stay? You had .000000000000000000000000001% chance to win

Yes you do. If you’re the leaver. I cracked the case!

This. If its 5v6 i can understand trying to soldier on. Anything less than that, dont waste your time.


They are impleteing changes to leavers soon (Might be next season, but not sure).

And they can’t just take 0 sr away, or reduced sr because people will easily abuse it.

Stop spreading this. They just need to develop in a way to punish stacks for leaving. Which they should of done when they did this exact thing when they tried this when role q was released. A system that was praised.

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To this day I still don’t understand why Blizzard haven’t added backfill to Competitive. It would completely resolve the leaver problem and it would help reduce queue times.

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I’m just saying what would happen. And they can’t punish stacks for leaving since they could have a genuine disconnect.

Its pretty dumb to let one person ruin the match by leaving or getting disconnected. Is what we have really the best solution?

The best solution is already in game in other modes - backfill.

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How did you lose so much? Is that new account?

You know what is ironic? I had several games where initial leaver came back after more than 2 minutes. When games were still honestly winnable if only two others would not leave because of first leaver. Actualy sad.


They very much can. You choose to partner with that person they are part of your squad. You are responsible for their internet as well. That way one of your teamamtes can’t just leave on their infinite smurfs to prevent Sr loss for the team.

I think if u leave after the 2 minutes you always lose 25 sr… so you should have just left the Game

That wouldn’t be fair to punish those teammates when one person’s internet randomly cuts out.

Only way to make it not be abused and yes its fair. One person disconnects you all lose Sr for the match. That’s not even a bad punishment. Not like you are suspended. It’s the same as it is now.

This way people outside of your stack don’t have to lose Sr because you paired with some guy with bad internet.

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