Can we discuss Hanzos immensely huge aimbox

People just want to hate on Hanzo man.

Hit boxes in OW are purposefully rather large and add some forgiveness to projectile heroes. If Hanzo is a problem, then really the issue can be more accurately summed up as all projectile heroes need a look at with their hitbox.

But Blizz isn’t going to do that, nor do I really think they need to, to be honest.

The problem for people isn’t the hitbox. It’s his one shot potential. Which, I think they need to get over or at least be consistent if they’re going to argue about his projectiles being too big. Or address the one shot specifically and not the hit boxes.


Okay, what other hero can oneshot from any range with a single high-speed projectile?

I pull?
You say i am wrong and you arn’t able to tell me with what? Cite the sentence from that is wrong.
You don’t even know what i said as it seems. You aren’t even able to watch you own movie and then you start chidlish insults.

Thanks for the entertainment.

Huge is still huge…

With a projectile, no one. But why should this be a problem? Widdow can do that as a hitscan.

Hitting with a projectile at long range is pure luck as it is impossible to reliable predict enemies position for such a long time as the projectile needs to hit.

So you wanna tell me you cry about a lucky shot and not about a reliable much easier to hit Hitscan one shot, even though the hitting area might be slightly smaller for the widdow?

Haha what guy. Now pay attention please because I was replying to another poster (as you can see in my post).

I literally quoted where you were wrong and provided video evidence. But I already see where this is going, you’re one of those people who can’t admit they’re wrong so I’m done trying to reason with you.

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I dont think so either. Projectile is hard to be consistent with, even Hanzo. Besides, they stated very early in Overwatchs life that the hit boxes for heroes, before they made them all a little bit smaller, were larger so everyone felt like a hero and that they could land the hard shots like that.

Granted, as a seasoned FPS player that likes actually sniping people, that definitely rubbed me the wrong way, but I have other games if I want my sniping to not feel cheap like that [at least to me personally] when I really want those real skill shots.


Due to our ping pong i have overseen that, Sorry,

Anyhow, if you mean i am wrong with my quote than you mean the difference of killcams to what really happend.? Of course not.

He is wrong in the matter that you can hit the head of many heroes without the animation showing that you hit them, even with hitscans. Even the soldier in your widow is showing this.
The point of my post was not saying that hitting like that is not possible but that it is such an uncommon and only Hanzo specific thing.

Oh look, the same tired old statement from people that like hating on Hanzo. /s

Hanzo, obviously, but that doesn’t justify this garbage. Get used to snipers existing, and them having the potential to one shot, or go play an RPG that doesn’t have one shots from NPCs. Y’ll really like using “projectile” as a means to single out Hanzo when he still has one of the smallest damage dealing hitboxes in game.

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I have nothing against Hanzo. The smallest projectile is nothing when all the other projectiles are huge.

Yeah. I can understand some people’s frustrations. I’m just pointing out that arguing about Hanzo’s hitbox being too large seems a bit silly if they aren’t also arguing that the hitboxes are too large in general.

It’s obviously more about people being frustrated that they got one shot by something that doesn’t look like it hit them. And I get that. But Hanzo’s are literally the smallest projectile in the game, it stands to reason that if they are too large that all projectiles are too large.

People just don’t like being one shot by him. :man_shrugging:

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Pretty much. I find mei’s alt significantly more infuriating than any bs Hanzo headshot.

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I’m not sure why you’re acting as though I ever offered an opinion about Widow, or suggested that she was okay. That being said, the fact that Hanzo gets to benefit from the massive hitbox inherent to a projectile hero while also having higher mobility, no reload, and a spam ability on E just screams ‘overtuned’. I also never said that Hanzo was only effective at long range, or that my problem with him is from long range shots. You can’t make a point for someone and then argue with it, that’s absurd.

You know Hanzo is least effective from a sniper’s position? Mid-range is where he dominates. Calling him a sniper and writing it off as though he’s constantly positioned in the backline and spamming blindly into a crowd is disingenuous.

Meidomaker is legit terrifying.

pushes glasses up to the bridge of his nose like some dumb anime villain.

And I love to cause terror as her, muahahaha.

His hitbox isn’t really the problem by itself. People notice it more because the arrow remains, and seeing a projectile floating two inches from your head is much more frustrating than simply dying to an orb that immediately disappears so you can’t physically see where it landed. The problem is that he benefits from this massive hitbox while suffering from almost none of the drawbacks that should come with it.

I’m very much aware, I don’t have a Hanzo icon just because I think he is pretty.

Love it

Will rage suffice?

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Then why fall back on that argument?

Because sniper is indicative of the one shot, which is the part everyone complains about. Sniper is muscle memory at this point when everyone knows he is a bowman. Why argue semantics when you and everyone else knows damn good and well what I mean? Got nothing else to say?

Honestly, you’re going to have to explain this to me. He doesn’t have the fastsest projectiles in game. He does have the smallest making them less likely to hit the large hitboxes, etc.

He very well might be overtuned. I’m currently inclined to disagree with that sentiment, but that’s a different argument. Hanzo still has to try and predict his target’s movements to reliably land shots. There’s still travel time to account for. Everything that comes with a projectile, Hanzo still has which is why I don’t particularly understand the sentiment that he somehow has less drawbacks with projectiles even though he has the smallest one in game.

I am accepting of rage, yes.

Who’s arguing semantics? It has nothing to do with his bow. My point is that when you call him a sniper, it doesn’t address how powerful he is face-to-face. You’re ignoring the real issue with him because it’s convenient for you. If he’s meant to be a sniper, then why does he retain that one-shot capability with so much mobility and effectiveness in close range? He gets too much of everything.