Can we delete mercy from the game?

So it’s just coincidence that this person on overbuff has the exact same battle tag you do, down to the hashtag number? Yeah… Okay then. :blush:

It’s okay to admit that you are a Mercy main… No one is here to judge you. I’m merely pointing out that being one (because I am assuming that you are a Mercy main, based on your hours on her), your thread kind of contradicts your generalization of them as a whole, since you technically are talking about yourself. :blush:

Funny, the account I’ve mentioned also has most of their hours in Sombra, so thanks for confirming that this is in fact you!

Going by overbuff then, I am led to believe that you have 126 hours on Sombra, and 112 hours on Mercy. Literally less than a 24 hour difference. Because of this, and the fact that a main is based on the most played heroes, you may not be a Mercy One-trick, but you certainly are a Mercy main, whether you like it or not, which are the people you are criticizing in your OP. So… I am pretty confident that my facts are pretty spot on there. Care to provide evidence or proof of this data showing different? :blush:

Oh, I do assure you, my post was well written based on your thread. I took the time to read it thoroughly beforehand, as with most of my replies, and I do believe I have proven my point already. Thanks for the concern though. :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


Took multiple advanced stats courses in undergrad. Sounds like you haven’t taken 1. You cannot rely on a source that admits ON ITS OWN WEBSITE that the stats they have are skewed for players with the default private profile – so basically everyone.

I’ve never logged into Overbuff, but when I checked a week ago (because someone tried to make the same 700IQ argument about stats = everything) it said the last time I played OW was over a year ago. I’ve played everyday this week. Therefore, Overbuff is not reliable for collecting stats on private profiles.

So TLDR False, you need to take a course in statistics or just basic math and you’ll understand why.

Haha not taking the time to read that huge wall of text, especially when I’ve previously tried to engage in a logical back and forth with you and you just straight up didn’t read comments and just misrepresented whatever I said. Add to this the fact that 3 other people on the forums that I don’t know have said the same thing about you in another thread gives me 0 incentive to read anything you have to say.

Plus, based on the content of your previous comments, you have 0 idea what you’re talking about, so I’ll focus on responding to people who aren’t trolling.

But I’ll give you a 3/10 for effort.

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No target healing priorization.
Nothing different from the regular kit, but flying independently.
Where does ir require more skill? It’s pretty much an ultimate that does your job for you without needing thinking.


For someone who claims to have taken “multiple advanced stats courses in undergrad”, you know very little about this thing called, sample sizes. So, I’ll pretend you didn’t take “multiple advanced stats courses in undergrad” and assume you are just being toxic, as usual.


Yes there is. The person you’re healing gets the most heals, the chain beamed teammates do not get as much. The more heroes you are healing chainbeamed, the less HPS they receive. So you have to decide whether you’re more likely to win a fight chain damage boosting or chain healing and the answer is usually juggle. But again, that decision is situational. The better the mercy player, the better they can make those decisions. It doesn’t seem like you were even aware of the decreased HPS the more teammates you chain beam. Maybe that’s why Valk feels braindead to you? Because you don’t fully understand the numbers behind her kit?

  • Chain beam healing/damage boosting is not part of her regular kit, it is unique to valk. Not sure what you’re talking about.
  • Unlimited reload on your gun is not part of her regular kit, it’s unique to valk, so again not sure what you’re talking about.
  • The ability to fly to the top of the skybox – or really anywhere on the map – without being attached to a Pharah is unique to valk.

If you think hiding and pressing q to mass rez required more skill than valk I don’t know what to say to you other than you’re not playing her right.

“Haha not taking the time to read that huge wall of text”

-Resorts to personal attacks.-

That’s a strange way to defend your case, when I’ve merely given facts and challenged you on them with regards to your OP and it’s discrimination against Mercy mains, while being one yourself (and even inviting you to prove me wrong). I suppose the evidence I’ve given are ones that you cannot disprove. So I am left to assume that you have no more rebuttals to give. Great talk then! :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


A game changing ult that was instant cast so you couldn’t prevent it.

LOL you just walked yourself into a corner there bud.

(1) Please explain how sample sizes are relevant to the issue at hand.

(2) How do you know the sample size applicable to Overbuff? Overbuff does not publish that number and in fact, states on its website that the statistics are unreliable ever since private profiles became default. The only way for overbuff to have reliable statistics is if you either have a public profile or log in to the website of which I have done neither.

(3) Even if we knew Overbuff’s sample size, there’s no control group to compare it to because Blizzard doesn’t release the number of players in OW. Without knowing how many people are playing OW, it’s impossible to know if Overbuff’s sample size is representative or how strong the P value for the sample size is.

Wow…wild accusation, insult, and then condescendion. But yeah, I’m the toxic one :joy:

LOL if you’ve taken 1 stats class in your entire life you’d know that in order to have a sample size, you need to know the same size and what it is being compared to. So, for your sake, I’ll just pretend you didn’t try to front that you knew stats when you absolutely don’t :slight_smile:

LOL you just proved me I was right not to take a second to read your comment, because you did EXACTLY what I said you would. I said the reason I’m not reading your wall of a comment is because you don’t read my comments or my original posts before you respond.

Perfect example, you say:

And in my comment – the same comment you replied to LOL – I already said this about mains:

Please start reading comments before replying if you would like others to do the same.

A lover of facts, logic, and rational discussion :sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart:

PS @revertmercy you are a horrible troll. You tried trolling 2 nice people in another thread less than an hour ago, and then you trolled 5 people (including me) the day before. Consider this my official declaration that until you learn to read, I’m not responding to any of your low effort comments :slight_smile:


It’s not subjective that Valk takes more skill than pressing Q.

It’s objective.

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What game have you been playing, it doesnt work like that, everyone regardless of main target or chains get 60 hps


Oh, please forgive me for not blindly trusting every random claim I read on the internet. If it was just a “wild accusation” though, I’m sure it would be easy enough for you to disprove it, right?

Speaking of delegitimizing oneself, I find it curious that you cannot seem to remember when or where he supposedly made that statement, but do remember his precise choice of words. Convenient, isn’t it?

And guess what, I actually did google it! The quote you posted returns no results. Does that surprise you?
Let me guess, that’s because it was from a video interview and there’s no transcript, right? Well, isn’t it strange that Jeff allegedly slapped a label on the entire Mercy community - a community that, according to you, is constantly complaining about everything the developers say or do - and nobody caught on to it?

Your inability to back up your claim leads me to believe that your claim is false. You may call that “a wild accusation” if it floats your boat.


I just like how the same typical 5 mercy mains and other random people take turns making Mercy threads everyday

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That’s not what you need to be forgiven for, it’s your passive aggressive, condescending tone of entitlement that needs to be forgiven. There, I forgive you. Also, I already told you where to find the source. I’m not going to google it and spoonfeed it to you. If you don’t know information, it’s on you to get the facts. I went and researched and got the facts. You’re not a baby, I’m not spoonfeeding it to you.

Not convenient, just how eidetic memory works. I can remember verbatim written words or words I hear but not necessarily pictures, events, etc. There’s a common misconception that people with a photographic memory can remember EVERYTHING. No, actually, eidetic memory tends to be specific; some people remember music, some pictures, some only through personal interaction. I can remember exactly what he said because he said the words, I cannot remember the exact steps I took down the rabbit hole to get more information on Mercy before I talk about her (something you might want to consider). Another wild accusation shot down :wink:

I already told you, try looking for developer update or just google “passionate” “mercy” and “jeff kaplan.” God I said I wasn’t going to spoonfeed this to you but you’re really special, so I guess I am anyway.

No people caught on to it. A lot of people know about the parody video and the “passionate” video you’re just out of the loop. There’s no transcript (other than closed captioning) but the video is still up of Jeff Kaplan talking about the mercy community. Actually you might also want to search Emong stream Jeff Kaplan and Mercy and passionate. I can’t believe I just gave a tutorial on “how to google something in 2018.”

Your inability to google leads me to believe you are in a deep state of denial and cannot accept that mercy, the perfect beloved goddess, is not worthy of any criticism whatsoever, especially when the mercy community actively embarrasses her.

Nah, I call it a lack of common sense and an inability to google. But write this off as “I can’t see the proof so it doesn’t exist unless someone spoonfeeds it to me!” whatever floats your boat :slight_smile:

I almost took you seriously for a second.


Yikes. If you don’t think a low skill ultimate that requires no aim or LoS that can instantly res an entire team AND simultaneously negate all of the enemy team’s used ULTs isn’t game-breaking (literally, there were at least 2 seasons where if you did not have mercy on your team you were going to lose…the entire meta revolved around mercy) then I wasn’t even close to taking you seriously :frowning:

Yes, mass ress was game breaking, thats why Mercy was a must pick ever since the games release. Oh wait, Ana Lucio was far ahead of mass ress until they got nerfed and Mercy got invul on mass ress. So game breaking it took 2 healers being nerfed and mercy getting an invulnerability buff to mass ress to make her viable.

Also there has been plenty constructive feed back without bringing back mass ress on the Mercy mega thread ever since her rework (titanium thread for example), but it was repeatedly ignored.


Never said it was gamebreaking since release? Only referenced when she had mass rez + invuln and my exact words were “there were 2 seasons where mercy was a mustpick.” Are you denying that happened? LOL.

Correlation does not equal causation.

Titanium’s thread is the only mercy thread I’ve read that didn’t just point out Mercy’s flaws, but actively provided a multitude of suggestions to balance her out a bit more. However, I have no idea how that’s relevant to our conversation. My point is the majority of forum mercys (majority does not equal 100%), are NOT like titanium, in fact, just yesterday/day before yesterday I saw Titanium arguing with a forum mercy. Forum mercys just post complaining threads or passive aggressive threads like “hey brigette mains how does it feel to be nerfed into the ground like mercy?” or “suggestion” threads that don’t take into account what the devs have said her problems are. A suggestion is not viable if it doesn’t take into account the roadblocks the devs have with her. If the devs say the ability to mass rez – whether you have LoS or not – is gamebreaking, then it’s ultimately their opinion that matters whether they’re right or wrong. The devs are the ones who get to make the decision on balance changes and what theyll be. Mercy suggestion threads that ignore what the devs have said are not only unproductive, but won’t be read by devs period. So arguments for bringing back an ability that the devs are so against that they even made a statement about it never coming back – knowing how upset it would make the mercy community – makes it seem clear to me that the devs mean it: mass rez is not coming back in any shape or form. Considering that, forum posts to the contrary are just pointless.

No let’s delete dying it’s no fun NRRF DYING!!!

They also said they feel like She was in a good spot… that was each time after a nerf for the last couple of them.


i would rather delete Threads or Players on the Forum who always want a Hero deleted

No Hero should get deleted and they are not going to deleted so plz stop whit this stupid annoying Threads