Can we Buff Zen Now?

The thing about this is, damage IS his survivability. Orb of discord targets focusing you and tell your team and they should back off, but because zen has a massive hitbox and is easily destroyed by flankers, he’s bad.

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Power creep with DPS occured because tanks were multiple times the survivability, with only about 30% less damage output. Proportionally, DPS should just be scaled up to compensate for how squishy they are relative to their slightly higher damage output.

the same way that mercy can heal her teammates through enemy barriers

Zen can also heal through barriers, in fact he can heal even after losing Los for 3 seconds. Discord is a debuff

That’s generally what happens when you switch from one meta to the next.

It’s stronger than the other metas.

But what metas would be strengthened by Discord through barriers? Not only are we taking down double barrier, we’re buffing everything else. That’s not great balance, too volatile and consequential.

So worst comes to worst they try it out on the Experimental Card, it goes to Live, and they write some code to be able to disable it with a simple variable change if they need to.

You do realize that buffing discord is just going to make the powercreep problem even worse, right? All that does is make TTKs even faster, which is the opposite of what you’re trying to achieve.

If we’re buffing zen, buff his survivability.

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Let him fly like Mercy during Valkyrie. Would be cool, AND he’d stand a chance against flankers.

(During Transcendence too, imagine that lightbulb flying through the battlefield)

I feel like he needs some mobility imo. Sure I agree that he should be able to also heal himself in some way, but he is mainly a support that increases dps, not one that heals. Since he has a massive hitbox and a quite low health pool, he should probably get some ability where he vibes too hard and does a dash or something.

The main thing that I want is a hurtbox fix. it is way too exploitable. He doesn’t need to heal more or need self-heal or escape. His damage is his defense. Maybe applying discord through barriers could be a thing, but that may be a little oppressive at times as it just allows flankers free reign of the back line furthering the problem with our current OP Genji. His stats are fine as they are he just needs a hurtbox fix.

PS I’m a zen main.

Here are some changes i want to see more as QOL and not buffs. Quality of life changes for zen pls