Can we buff orisa already

I would prefer if they buffed shield to 900 but made fortify 25% damage reduction and made her be able to be headshot during fortify again.


I’ve always wondered why Sigma’s barrier has more health than Orisa’s. It makes no sense


Because sigma, he’s like the brig of the tank role.


Well yeah but I thought that they learned from Brigitte. Unfortunately not.


At least from what I’ve seen goats was fun to watch and play(I didn’t play the game back then.) But double barrier is a snooze fest.


I prefer they strip out almost any semblance of “Unmatrixable AntiDive” that DoubleBarrier could have access to, then buff Orisa barrier back to 900hp on an 8sec cooldown.

Balancing to solve "Rein or Lose"


I like everything but the hanzo change tbh, much rather them lower the number of storm arrows to three, nerf the recovery rate between shots, but buff his projectile speed back to where it was.


I never did either and I’m still not sure why, but if I had to guess, maybe they think being in a regenerative state rather than just throwing a full health shield each time is weaker. But really with good shield management on Sigma, we can just nullify the more vital incoming attacks or at least extend the duration of the shielding a bit and from any direction more easily.

Orisa suffers from the down time of the shield depending on the speed it breaks if an enemy team focus fires or character like a Hanzo spams storm arrows into it. However, people don’t want to break shields all the time and don’t want double shields to be strong, so it’s hard to balance that. We want shields and any composition to feel viable but not overwhelming.

At the current state, an Orisa could throw down a preliminary shield then replace it right after on the initial engagement, so on defense it’s okay when you get back to back shields (attackers have to use all their resources to get through this). Imo, where it becomes rough for the hero, is trying move forward, and incrementally replace the shield vs defenders and pushing. So, if they could somehow allow her to move it up or add some alternative cool downs when replacing vs broken (torbjorn style?) I think it could help. Not sure though.

If they did that, it could work, but they’d need to remove the headshot from the storm arrow.

Since 335 to 670 damage in a burst is still a problem. Or 435 to 870 with a damage boost.

But 335 to 460 damage would probably be tolerable.

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Totally reasonable changes. I can dig it

Naw just increase SHIELD Hp to 700.

That’s it

Rein zarya will rush you with only 25% dmg reduction. Remember he’s been buffed dmg and HP

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Replace halt with an ability that works, or revert the range nerf. There were less ham fisted ways to nerf the ability. For example, nobody would argue halt was OP if it was on a 30 second cooldown. So somewhere between 1 second and 30 seconds is a fair cooldown for the ability (I would say 10 seconds would be perfectly fine).

Unless they buff Orisa’s gun, the hero will not be good. Healing completely nullifies Orisa’s killing potential.
All popular heroes (except some healers) have good guns.

Is barrier health really more important than damage reduction on the hero? The barrier just stands there and can be bursted down while Orisa can move away and dr would buy some time to get healed.
The barriers get destroyed instantly anyway if they are focused.

The compensation nerf was so stupid. It offset the entire buff.

This would suck. It’s boring to have a shield out as your main value. It’s not as dynamic as other tank’s shields either. Rein can flash his, Sigma has to block important cooldowns, Monkey shield dances, yet Orisa just plonks it down and stands behind it.

Dive is already a very valid option vs Sigma. It’s his best counter. Many of them can ignore grasp.
The shield’s long deployment with no mobility makes it hard to continuously block dive.
His damage sucks at close range because his spam is all about space management.
And his rock has a cast time of Sombra’s hack followed by travel time. So it’s quite easy for hyper mobile dive characters to avoid.

Sigma is one of the worse tanks for Dive. He even has no armour.

It actually does.
Sigma’s shield has the lowest regeneration rate in the game at 80shields per second. It will only begin to restore after 2s of being recalled too.
(Brig’s is 85shields per second and Rein’s is 200 for reference.)

Orisa’s shield however begins “regenerating” (if you will) on cooldown as soon as the projectile is deployed. Meaning it’s 600hp that can “regenerate” while it is out and blocking damage. The shape is also far more effective at protecting the team (a slight bonus but a good bonus nonetheless).

So essentially the difference is that Sigma’s shield cannot sustain a fight it’s for blocking key abilities and damage sources whereas orisa’s can be used on cooldown to block as much damage as she can. While cycling between fortify.


I too hope she can get stronger shields or something so she can finally stand on her own without needing a second shield tank.


man i loved playing orisa a few years ago… now she is barely a shell of her former self. I just hate the way her HALT works now, and her shield is basically non-existent. They have completely gutted this amazing character and she is in desperate need of any buff she can get.


I think Orisa should get a stronger shield by 150-200 no cooldown increase needed
and a halt buff
increase halt to 7 meters but lower its speed and increase its cooldown by 2 seconds
so people don’t argue “oh double shiled jadsflkasdjflkasdf”
I also want this done to Sigma
Remove his shield redeploy cooldown so it goes back to a cooldown blocker
then decrease sigma shield health by 100
next lower hypersphere damage per sphere by 3-5

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Why do people want orisa to be just a shield bot, it’s possibly the least interactive thing I could imagine in a game


Because she isn’t good in any other way. She wasn’t that good as a halt bot, she’s terrible as a fortify bot right now, and she was extremely good as a shield bot. I personally enjoyed orisa when she had 900 hp shield

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