Can we all agree on this?

No, focusing on one part of her is why her kit feels like it’s cut into 3 separate pieces and don’t flow well together anymore.

If we end up changing her again, I’d prefer a complete overhaul

I think Mercy should get an ability that let’s her suicide ^^ I feel like nobody would complain at that point. BOOM. Balanced game.

The ability exits. It’s called trust in your DPS protecting her.

No trollposts please

Some DPS players are good for Protecting Mercy, but Tanks players Do better

I would like a mass rez without the invulnerability as well, because that buff removed way too much of her counterplay. Maybe a 1 second cast time, requires now LOS, a 30% damage reduction, that would have made her way better than what we have today, imo. Nobody wanted a hero like Mercy to be OP for about a year. Not even Mercy mains, because some of them knew that Mercy would end up in this boring state. Some of them even want her UP, and I can’t really blame them. All Mercy needed was an E ability, like a way toned down Valkyrie, imo.


Yeah sure :rofl:

Mass Rez was a bad and unhealthy mechanic.

Thanks for feedback, now i can agree with you =)

And even though I love her as a character, she is just so unfun to play right now. The whole point of the rework was to lower her pickrate, but it ended up in lowering the Mercy population, and also her fun. I just gave up on her, and now I am learning Ana/Moira/Sombra/Sym/Brigitte/Zen and sometimes Lucio, but I find him sometimes boring.

If the solo rez is still incredibly hard to balance, what makes you think bringing back mas rez is a good idea?


No, the pretention that it didn’t is an exaggeration.

It did exist, meaning it was a problem when it happened. People complained when it happened.

It wasn’t on E.

I don’t agree.


Personally i Think Devs Should Try and Test
many different versions of the mass rezz, if none works, rezz individual and if it still does not work remove the Rezz

People think that the Rezz is difficult to balance when they have really tried only two versions, and the second has been worse than the first, so I have reason to think that Mass Rezz should return

Sure but even as ult it takes like 30 sec to fill it and you have much greater rez potential.

Because Rez is designed to be an ultimate, not an ability. Bringing back someone from the dead cannot be balanced as an ability, because either it would be too strong or too weak. Resurrect before invincibility would have been balanced if they knew how to balance it. People didn’t like that Mercy would be able to Rez behind walls. Fix? LOS in my opinion. People didn’t like that she would be able to Rez safely. Fix? Remove invincibility and add to Resurrect some kind of damage reduction. People didn’t like that Mercy would hide and then swoop in for a rez. Fix? If I was a troll I would say: A flanker, click on her head LOOOOOOL. But I am not, and I am gonna say that maybe, if Mercy isn’t healing, her ult should decrease. Let’s say you have Res ready. If you go into hiding, your ult could go from 100% to 85%. This could be the worst idea ever, but honestly, I couldn’t come up with anything better for this.

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I’ll just leave this here:

Resurrect as an ability could work if they change the nature of how it functions.

The mistake was they took it exactly how it was as an ult and just decreased the magnitude :man_shrugging:

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Yeah. legit no cast time, resets GA and so on. That was a big mistake imo

It is too impactful even as ultimate. It literally reverts the mistakes of the entire team.

30 seconds pfffff. I can get it in 15 /s

No, it did not charge in 30 seconds.