Can We Admit Role Queue is a Failure?

Agree. The complaints about creativity and variety have been so validated, Blizzard’s answer was hero pools to literally force it.

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And the worst part of it is it creates team comps that make no sense. When we had unlimited options, we created unconventional team comps that actually had synergy. Now, we’re forced to run set ups with no symmetry because we have no choice, but Blizzard can tell their investors how diverse OverWatch League teams are now compared to last year :roll_eyes:.

I accept and understand that this is how you personally feel, but there are many players (myself included) who find this to be the preferred mode over 222


Just get rid of Role Q. :rofl:

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blizzard tried 3-2-1 in an experimental mode a while back and everyone hated it, or atleast preferred 2-2-2 over it.


many folks, myself included, prefer role-less queue over any queuing method involving a locked in number of each roles

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a majority of players didn’t like it in a blizzard forum poll, it was decided to keep 2-2-2

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I know of no valid data, including but not limited to the polls mentioned above, that support the claim of a majority

Also, I know of no evidence that Blizzard used the data in such polls to make the decision to keep 222

Also, the statement I replied to used the word “everyone” rather than “majority”

to OP: I personally find Role Queue to not be a failure in any way, and to instead, be exactly the opposite. I am very much happy that Role Queue is here to stay, and hope pre-222 queue never returns in my games outside of quickplay classic where it belongs.


I agree. This is a memory I hope remains permanently suppressed with role queue being permanent. I am grateful to the sweetest of heavens for that fact. Very well said.

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I found that poll difficult to answer, because I didn’t like that version of 1-3-2 (didn’t like how they handled off tanks, and they didn’t buff Sigma nearly enough for him to solo tank), but I do want to see 1-3-2 worked on more and eventually implemented.
That particular rendition of 1-3-2 missed the mark, but that doesn’t mean we should give up and stick with the fundamentally flawed 2-2-2.

That is 5 DPS

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I am filled with joy to have learned that I am not - as I had once thought - the last member of my species

But it saddens me that despite our many similarities - such that some forum members have indicated that one of us is a copy of the other - we disagree so heartily on most matters related to Overwatch

Like here

In this case, for me, 222 has been the very worst change ever made to the game, with no close second. I’ve seen and/or played on many non-222 teams, including but not limited to 5 and 6 dps teams, beat 222 teams on many occasions, and as such, I dont see 222 as the sole “right” way to play this game

Let’s just say everyone still playing learned their lesson and just make it go away. :rofl:

they had a forum post about this bro, where where you at? everyone left there opinion about it and most people didn’t like it. so 2-2-2 stayed and 3-2-1 was abandoned and honestly i see why. its to fast and promotes aggressive tactics. giving defenders or teams without mobility a disadvantage and teams more mobility to much power. it also promoted dpsing in supports and tanks. so honestly i prefer 2-2-2


Can we admit that Role Queue is a failure?

No. Because it wasn’t. It achieved the goals it set out to achieve–role stacking is now impossible, and people are being parsed out based on their roles and skill so that you don’t have a 3300 DPS flexing to a 2500 Support (as if that really happened that often anyway–usually it was a 3300 Support flexing to a 2500 DPS lol). We knew that queue times would likely be an issue–Jeff warned us as much. For the many, many, many of us that like RoleQ, it was a very worthwhile trade, and for those who dislike it–you have QPC in the Arcade so you can skip the queue and play how you like.

1-3-2 is not a good solution, either, given the reaction from many players toward it which indicates that it likely wouldn’t resolve queue times nearly as much as folks are hoping. Many tank and support mains indicated pretty strong opposition to the idea, and considering that they’re the bottleneck on queue times (which depends on region and rank), doing things to tick them off doesn’t seem particularly wise. Even as a primarily DPS player who the mode was supposed to cater to, I didn’t like it.


The only bad part, about role queue is the dps queue times… Everything else is great, you can no longer lose because of 5 dps

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Of course you can, they’re just playing Roadhog, D.Va, Moira, Baptiste…

Ive seen non222 teams - including but not limited to 5 dps teams - beat 222 teams many, many, many times

222 provides no more assurances of having a “better” team than role-less queues do

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A well-played/positioned 5/0/1 team would likely wipe the floor on an uncoordinated & constantly trickling 2/2/2. I too have played many of these games as the lone support.

I can tell you though, vast majority of those games didn’t go very well, especially against a well-played/positioned 2/2/2 team.

As a support main, role queue has been one of the best additions to OW, hands down.