Can Videogames Be Considered Art?

I had a discussion about this subject with someone yesterday. This person insists fashion/clothes is art, and I said I find games closer to “art” than clothes are.

I mean, I have nothing against clothes, they are fine. But games can give you a richer experience, especially if they have a good story (just like a good movie or good book can). They give you visual, auditory, mechanical, and emotional experiences. Whereas clothes are just a immediate visual experience.


Personally I find it more dependent on the individual piece you are talking about.

Both video games and clothes can be art, but not all are art.

Probably the wrong game forum to be discussing this on. While their certainly is a lot of artistic expression that went into Overwatch, this game is more focused on the activity then the art.


The expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.

Creative skill - Check
Imagination - Check
Appreciated for their beauty - Yes
Appreciated for their emotional power - Yes

Depends on the game ; Art or Cashgrab
Witcher 3 -Yes
Shooter Combat Modern Sniper War Battle (on Google Play) - No

Gameing used to be all art, now it’s becoming more of a product.


I definitely agree about video games being a form of art , even more with modern video games

Obviously not all games can be considered " art "
But I would say dragon quest games overall for example are imo a masterpiece
Excelling in music , visual and story

Overwatch could also reach this point but there’s a lot of improvement on the story notably


I don’t see why you would dismiss clothes as art but, yes. I consider games, especially blizzard games to be art. There’s a reason this game blew up and it isn’t because it invented fps

The same goes for movies though, and music. They are art essentially, but nowadays they are a product for the masses. That does not mean more sophisticated forms of music and cinema do not exist.

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Of course they are art, why the heck would they not be?


Games can be art if that’s it main theme. Otherwise it’s subjective.

Why wouldnt they be? They combine storytelling with a freeform interactive world that’s made beautiful by people who’s job title is “artist”. They even employ people to predict and encourage the consumers to enjoy the art more.

Games, at best, are all the good parts from movies, books, paintings and music plus a load more :slight_smile:

Portal IS art and i’ll literally fight anyone who disagrees.

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I like gameplay design, it’s kinda like art, but also it’s a bit like science.

It’s a weird intersection of math and psychology.

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The individual defines what art is, not some outside force… I could stare at a pile of hay and decide that’s art because it moves me on some level.
Yes, movies, music, games are art and just because say, someone doesn’t think a Michael Bay movie is art… It could be art for someone else.

That’s my take on it.

As I said, I have nothing against clothes. Maybe they qualify as “art”. But as I said, this is all they are: immediate visual experience. The same goes for pictures.

Things like games, movies and books are much more abstract in essence. I don’t think clothes can compete, or touch someone on the same level.

Seems people understand it more or less.

Some games are art while others are not.

Cuphead for example is art. The creator had a clear vison of a game he wanted to make and it was amazing. That game may be a bit unique as everything in that game was hand drawn. Thousands upon thousands of drawings for some of the simplest things.

I’d say Demon Souls and then Dark Souls were a work of art while DS2 and DS3 were a money grab.

However, most games cannot be made without artist. Even the worst games or the money grab games need to be designed. Tricky deciding where you draw that line aint it?

Clothes in modern Western days might feel that way to you. But it’s literally a way for a person to express themselves. With color , history, taste, style, emotion or needs.

Even in a video game, this is seen. Mercy’s look versus junkrat. Soldier versus Lucio.

Clothes express character, personality, a life. This is irl but also in the things we make that is other character driven art …there’s a difference between mass effect one and mass effect three in the clothes. There’s a difference between Halo and overwatch. There’s a difference between link and brig.

And they are seen in movements, voice, story, and also clothes.

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Yup, with a bit of mystical “this feels right” mixed in the middle of it. They apparently spent over 3 months just tweaking the values for how Mario jumps in Mario Odyssey :slight_smile:

Yup, gameplay itself is a combination of kinesthetics, aesthetics, and making sure you have worthwhile+unique choices, and is overall not too easy and not too difficult (mechanically + mentally)

But at the same time gameplay design to me, is similar to Ecosystem balance.
I.e. Not enough wolves, means you have too many deer
Also throw in the evolutionary arms race (I.e. Power creep)

Plus, on top of that, designers end up being jack of all trades - we need to learn the basics of art, code, effects and all that kind of stuff to help make whitebox playable things. I like getting my hands dirty - i make my own little demo games all the time - got my last job through one :slight_smile:

Plus, i got into the industry as a level designer, which is a completely different but totally related skill.

I started with maintaining/editing/upgrading a server mod for Tribes 1, with about 20 teams, and 40 servers running it.

Then bugged the PlanetSide devs enough on the forums to get about 40 changes in there. I also made an installer, with a bunch of registry fixes baked in.
Also the installer was 1Mb, instead of the original 3-5GB installer. And was later copied by SOE with a 10Mb version. For about 30,000 downloads of that installed.

No professional experience though.

You sir have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. Shooter Combat Modern Sniper War Battle, or as the hardcore community calls it, SCMSWB, is an artistic masterpiece despite your flagrant bias against mobile gaming. SCMSWB is truly a head of its time, the developers spent years just on the visuals alone, using Photogrammetry to create breathtaking environments. Each map was hand crafted by some of the most talented artists in the industry. The amount of detail and care put into the environment apparently is just beyond your comprehension. Then there’s the story, which for your sake, I won’t even spoil a single bit of information from it. The contemporary story is mind-blowing, it is unpredictable and encapsulating. It’s masterful storytelling has distinguished itself from any other story as the most intellectually advanced composition I’ve ever seen.

Shooter Combat Modern Sniper War Battle is a true masterpiece of a game, art in its purest form. It’s a shame your preconceived notions of migratory video recreation have impeded your ability to experience it and truly immerse yourself in this virtual monument.


Step 1: Download Unreal Engine 4 (or unity, if you can code or want to learn.)

Step 2: Make stuff.

Step 3: ???

Step 4: Profit :slight_smile: