Can they please enable text chat on consoles -_-

To the people that say no, you know you can opt out of match chat right ?

That’s literally so sefish “i dont want it, nobody should have it”


You don’t want to open that toxic can of worms, nothing ever good came from text chat and i’ve played on pc an console. mind you we then would know who is cheating with mouse and keyboard on console.

If you are quitting anyway just forget about it. I’m stupidly playing on with little to no hope that they address competitive matchmaking/lack of support heros or balance and I don’t even care much about sprays or lootboxes.

The game is better without it. I’d honestly argue that the Switch, with it’s lack of messaging service, is the best platform for OW.

Can they please disable text chat on PC? Or at the very least, make match chat default off so you have to opt into it. Match chat is awful.