Can the Tracer/Genji Hate please stop

Tracer and Genji have the same priority as every other dps hero, they just have different tools. I think the sentiment expressed above is part of the reason these two heroes get so much hatred. The players of these two heroes seem to feel like they have some special right to delete supports.

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Support mains are toxic because no-one pay attention at their impact…

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I have a game that I play when I see someone is being overly abusive in voice or chat about people not doing damage, not healing. For me I’d say 6/10-7/10 times the person was a Mercy main when I checked their profile. Correction, they were a Mercy main that were playing dps or tank at the time.

Due to mobility and being based off of burst damage this is their job. It’s not their “right” but their kits are based around doing large amounts of damage in very short bursts and getting out.

Tracer and Genji do not have the same priority as say Mccree/Reaper/Ashe where you would want them to dump a lot of damage into tanks if squishy vulnerable targets aren’t available. With the flankers 9/10 you want to be harassing or killing the supports.

That’s at least if you want to be effective and not throw away the value you would be getting with another character if you switched.

Are you talking about her pick and win rates? She’s not the bottom but she is ever present. Also Do you play Tracer? Are you one of the incredible Tracers that are stomping around Bronze?

She’s hard to hit and kills people behind MeCree and Doom she has the most solo kills on average in game that translates to more than just annoying it is not a fair fight between her and everyone else. She doesn’t need to do a bunch of damage if she is cleaning up kills. She is getting kills or at least the right ones picking off high value targets and getting out letting your team clean up is incredibly powerful.

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And the same problems exist now, as they did when Geoff replied to this thread.

CC is at least as strong against non-mobile heroes, and the mobile heroes are still best placed to avoid it in the first place.

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She’s near the bottom in winrate in almost every single rank. She’s not average, she’s a subpar pick compared to the other dps choices. In bronze and silver she’s second to last and in gold and plat she’s third from the bottom. That is not the hallmark of the “unstoppable OP” character that you guys are falsely trying to portray. She’s literally a bad pick at lower ranks.

I’m a flex player but Tracer is one of my main heroes. I play on smurfs to learn heroes/classes that I’m not already good at, so no Tracer smurfing for me. I started this game in Bronze and I’ve seen low tiered play when I was learning characters like Reinhardt, the players are horrendously bad, especially when it comes to aiming. There is no Bronze Tracer that is dominating games there unless it is a smurf of someone much better.

If we’re talking about smurfs that’s not an issue with the character’s balance as any dps smurf is going to be putting in work.

All 3 of them excel in 1vs1 situations so it’s not surprising that they have the most solo kills. Except in the case of Tracer that’s not translating into wins overall. She’s still statistically a bad pick.

Not in the lower ranks because she’s not winning there. The other dps are better choices until players get better mechanics.

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Ahh look, another complaining support main. By the way you have a sleep dart in Ana’s kit. Get good.

The only thing I can say then is I must run into about 70 percent smurfs then cause Tracer is a god damn nightmare to me. Or I am in the 40 odd percent games where she is winning 100 Percent of the time.

Based purely on stats luck sucks.

A bad pick that seems to work out more than not how do you never run into one of these winning Tracer’s?

I’m a hitscan dps main.


Look at the facts, Tracers not winning 100% of the games that she’s in at your rank. She most likely isn’t even winning in 100% of the games that you specifically play. This is confirmation bias, you dislike Tracer so the times you face “good” ones are going to stick out in your mind.

Again we have the actual stats and not just subjective opinion. She does not work out more than not because statistically she has near the lowest dps winrates in the game, especially at lower ranks. The only people she beats are Sombra and Mccree who are also very mechanically demanding characters.

I’ve never run into a Tracer from my time in Bronze>Diamond that I thought was unstoppable with a switch.

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Listen I am not disagreeing that factual numbers support you which is why my post are being modified by “seemingly” and “I must” It’s highly improbable that I am going to going to be in the lose column of every Tracer game but in my wins this season I can count those on one had and they all came when a Tracer was present only or our team or no Tracer was in the game.

I am arguing entirely based on anecdotal evidence at this point but I will still bark at the void of Blizzard to make Tracer feel like character I can engage with in game and don’t have to retreat to spawn every time I see one. As hyperbolic as that last statement was she sucks to play against and I will always advocate for her nerfs and buffs to her counters as I feel nothing can be done against her. That’s on me but I can still make noise about it.

She did, but now tracer can easily recall out of tracers combo of all of her abilities in melee range and was nerfed several times.

So she isn’t hit too hard anymore 8/

This is fine, everyone has a character that they dislike whether rational or irrational. My problem is when people say screw objective truth and try to advocate for nerfs or buffs not based on good balance but based on their own playstyle or inefficiencies as a player.

Then they should give Ana back her damage.

If biotic rifle at 80 wasn’t enough to deter Tracer, why oh why would 70 dmg?

I’m of the opinion that if an ana hits a tracer twice she’s earned the kill

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When Biotic Rifle was at 80 damage back during Beyblade and TriTank it was enough in the hands of Pro Ana players to deter Tracer. Back then Ana was considered undivable, which was part of why Dive could not crack TriTank at the time.

They do need nerfs.

I have no problems with high mobility heroes being in the game.

I have a problem with them being the strongest DPS outside of goats.

Nerf their DPS and keep their speed, or vice versa.

Then I don’t have a problem anymore.


Dual Tracer/Ana main here(more time on Tracer).

They need to give Ana 80 damage back(and nerf the nanoboost heal for compensation). The only character it really effects is Tracer as Ana requires a 3 tap for Tracer instead of 2 tap. Other characters don’t have this proportional damage penalty when killing Tracer.

That’s nice and all but that doesn’t back up massive generalizations.