Can’t think what to post

So I just thought I’d ask how has everyone’s days been going :grinning:

Trying to spead some positivity so any mean comments go to a post were you belong


My day has been, as teenagers my age would say, pretty lit fam. :joy::ok_hand::ok_hand::ok_hand::ok_hand::ok_hand:


Slow start, just checkin out the forums before jumping on to play my new fav character.

Yes it probably was very lit fam :sweat_smile:

It is going well, Forum team is going crazy in xcom, but mercy is pulling most of the weight

Uh, they don’t say that anymore. That went out of fashion months ago.

I know it went out of fashion because my old-ish aunt began using it.

Like the phrase “on-fleek”

But what if my mean comments make me positive???


Mind Blown

Meh, I can’t complain

that reminds me, I am announcing the winners today

"You revieved a small black rectangular cuboid with a red button, it has the symbol of the empire

After pushing it, the senate invites you to a specific location to begin your sith training.

It’s alright. I played some video games at home. Now I’m at work, so I’m reading- and writing about video games.

I like games.

I think this would suit the mood

Expand the above quote to have your mind blown. Ignore the bottom text, It won’t allow me to edit it anymore.

The winners of what?

20 dollar gift cards per winner, plus i am announcing something else

Woah, I haven’t heard of this. Now I don’t have a chance to win! :slightly_smiling_face:

oh god make it stop!

i wouldn’t say that…hehehe

“The time has come execute order 69”

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Heyo there :smiley: my day has been pretty good so far. I’m just working on schoolwork while scrolling through the forums xD. How’s your day going?