Can’t play the game

Same here been 20+ hours

Lol Alco. Suspect that Sonicz28 might not notice how firmly your tongue is planted in your cheek :slight_smile:

Yeah I don’t. Explain.

If all you have to do is reinstall the game and then it works, then that is in no way worse than all of us who have games that are installed but plain don’t work and no way to fix them, apart from waiting for Blizzard devs to maybe patch this in days, weeks or months. I have already had to try reinstalling (0ver 12GB) to fix this “Unable to join queue at this time” problem. It took just about 15 minutes but did not help one bit. If all I had to do was reinstall to make the game work I’d be happy.

Sorry, just came here looking for answers didn’t know you would get so heated. This is a 30 to 60 dollar game so I understand. Again, sorry if I angered you in anyway I’m just looking for answers. Thanks for the info though.

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Thanks Sonicz28. Guess I was a bit OTT. It was just you saying that your problem was worse than ours, when at the moment ours is about as bad as it gets that triggered me a little. I genuinely hope that reinstalling fixes this for you. Good luck!

Any word from the devs or news of patch up coming soon, i just been waiting for 24h now, and wondering if i miss anything that could have solve the problem? Mine problem is that the game won’t open.

Hi Sonic. Yes, the “Unable to join queue at this time” bug is fixed for me now around 36 hours after it started. Not sure how widespread the fix is. Are you still getting that error message on all game modes?

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A simple PC restart was the fix when it happened to me…it just vexes me that it’s still not fixed to this day…and that it took me half a day to figure out how to fix it…

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I’m having the same issue. Only bought the game a couple days ago and I’ve already had this issue a few times. I’m able to join the practice range but nothing else. I’ve also restarted the game and my pc multiple times but I don’t think reinstalling the game will change anything as others have said. Anyone actually got a fix?