Can Symmetra's teleporter serve as defense matrix?

I feel like it would help Symmetra a lot in her survivability if the portal itself could absorb and negate damage.

People would have to aim at the base.
And maybe it would be cool if the base could block shatters and physical attacks like Doom’s punch.

It would be a 2 in 1 ability of the teleporter and photon barrier.
Then the 12 second cooldown and its infinite duration would make more sense…

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Would be neat but would encourage a weird use of tp.


I mean…Sym already has to dance around it anyway because its her only escape, and the penalty of not taking the escape if 12 seconds

I’m just confused with how this would be implemented. Mind elaborating a bit?

I agree with that, but matrix is super strong so you would wind up with everyone hiding behind TP. Making tp die constantly. It would be make her more team reliant in the end. Since it’s primary purpose would be to tank. Not teleport

when I read the title I thought you meant to have the teleporter to give people shields as they walk through it. And the shield would last for a min. Or armour considering armour doesn’t regenerate

And teleport the damage back to the enemy?

I think that’d be great, but I think we’d have to change TP to make it easier to use on the fly.

It use to prioritize blocking certain damage if it was right in front of her but they made it to where it no longer does this. It use to be able to block Doomfist’s Rocket Punch.

Well… you know how when u place a tp, and place ur turrets in them, or a friendly dva bomb or a torb turret and they just poof on the other side?

Well picture the same happening, but to enemy bullets and incoming damage, except they poof out of existence…

Although neat, i think that would be too strong.

I mean at least they would group around the teleport for once. You usually have to beg your team to coordinate around the thing. And who knows, if they cuddle up around it, they just might press the button to teleport. The enemy would destroy it anyway

Also, I was thinking that maybe it would be good to increase the size of the portal itself, and make it more circular or hexagonish. Or make it bigger and flip the portal on its side so it resembles the shape of the 2.0 photon barrier

It sounds like you just want photon barrier back

Oh really? you dont say…

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Photon barrier had so much utility though. I remember blocking dva bombs, earth shatters,
Barrage. You name it I blocked it.

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Ye. And it made me really upset the switched it for the clunky TP which is buggy and much harder to balance.

If i had my 6 turrets but extra health and throwable, with photon barrier on E and piercing orbs, where would my end be?

I dont care about the primary fire tho, straight or curvy. And i like her current and old ultimates

I agree, I blocked all tons of stuff with it. However I definitely think that photon barrier would be clunky and ineffective in the current game.

Like, we have more hitscan with less fall off. More projectiles. More mobility.

It’s not going to be able to do much anymore without significant changes.

One way they could re implement it is making the turrets have a small photon barrier to the sides of them when thrown. So you could block small amounts of damage by throwing a turret at it.


I like that idea a lot tbh…


Sounds good but…it won’t pass because:

Immortality Field. If you know the controversy behind this, you’ll know why this idea won’t work.

But yes the TP needs something…more.

Thanks! It’s super fun theory crafting on how to balance stuff.