Can someone explain why the Dva nerf make her "useless"?

So many people claim that Dva doesn’t needed another nerf, now she is trash etc.

But why? I can’t imagine any reason

Every time D.Va gets nerfed in any way, the angry masses swarm to the forums to declare that she’s going to be trash. But she never is.


I’m just sad about the nerf :confused:

I hear you. I tend to agree with most of Blizzard’s nerfs lately but this one caught me by surprise. The comp stats don’t seem to justify it in my opinion. I guess this is just another OWL GOATS nerf.


the new change is a 70% nerf. Someone on the forums made a post on this and included math.

Except it’s really a 33% nerf. The “70%” thing was talking about the volume of area covered by a perfectly spinning horizontally and vertically to create a sphere of destruction all around her.

Even if that actually worked (which it doesn’t because of the tick rate, and because not all weapons are projectiles), it would still be irrelevant, because people aren’t spraying bullets randomly in a gigantic area surrounding… they’re shooting at something.


The REAL nerf is that they made DM look cool. Now it’s easier to see, so it’s harder to eat gravs.

That math was not accurate I believe.

She will never be completely useless but what it does so is make her far less flexible.

She will need to play closer to her team to properly defend them. It doesn’t effect her own personal survival.

My guess this is Bliz’s attempt to give the GOATS counter hero’s some more windows of opportunity and also reduce GOATS ability to contest high ground reliably.

Now if D.Va wants to chase something down she can’t turn around and DM her team without being grouped up with them. 15M allows for a lot of high ground to low ground DM blocking, with 10M she won’t be able to reliably stop that damage without being right over them.

If you played Symm you will kinda understand this. With 10M beam you could barely hit the corners of barriers from high ground but with 12 it reaches juuuuuuust enough to clip the actual people below.

It’s a huge nerf.

I like how anyone can post incorrect math with flawed logic and people will take it without question if it suites them.

The internet is a scary place.

That nerf sounds pretty healthy to me (if we consider how much of a swiss army knife hero she is)

I’m not really judging either way as D.Va is the only tank I don’t play and the hero’s I do play melt her.

I just know that this is a huge nerf. A nerf that is the result of her role in GOATS. Until it’s broke I expect nerfs to hound the fab 6.

Nobody is claiming that it will make her useless.

I mean they are, but they would be wrong.

Hyperbolic statements are the forum way.

It’s really not a 33% nerf or a 70% nerf.

Obviously, you can’t actually spin around to eliminate a sphere, but it is a 70% nerf to her reach / zone of control.

Of course at any one instant it’s only a 33% nerf.

In practice though, D.M. is often swept across an arc (not a sphere) to consume a specific target, which is more than 33% nerf but not nearly a 70% nerf. (I’m not gonna do the math, but if you want to you can replace the ‘cubed’ with ‘squared’ in the original post to figure out how much an arc is nerfed.)

DM is also used sideways to protect everyone behind it, which is a 33% area protected nerf, and is used directly on the source of damage (e.g. Pharah, Reaper) which is when then 70% ‘can be reached’ nerf is relevant.

How much the nerf is overall very much depends on how much you value these different use cases.

Idk the post they’re talking about but you clearly didn’t even think of the math yourself. I’ll do so && show that its actually slightly MORE than a 70% nerf in numbers alone. Yaaaaaay!’s matrix is a cone, volume formula for that is:
angle = fov / 2 * PI / 180
®adius = Tan( angle ) * L
Volume = PI * r^2 * ( L / 3 )
Where “r” is radius, fov is DM field of view, and “L” is the length of that cone.

So lets say DM fov is 60 ->
angle = (60/2)*Math.PI/180 = 0.5235…

For the current 15 meter length ->
®adius = Tan(0.5235) * 15 = 8.6582…
Volume = PI * (8.6582)^2 * ( 15 / 3 ) = 1177.5384…

For the nerfed 10 meter length ->
®adius = Tan(0.5235) * L = 5.7721…
Volume = PI * (5.7721)^2 * ( 10 / 3 ) = 348.8962…

The volume now compared to what it was ->
348.8962 / 1177.5384 = .296292 => 29.6292%

Lets call it a 70% nerf.


Funny how you get on your high horse && blast others while failing to apply that same critical thinking yourself ain’t it?

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Overreaction. is in fact the easiest hero in the game with barely any single counterplay beside making bad plays

She have been dominating in almost every meta since years. And still even with all the nerfs (more like adjustments ) she will be always the most viable character in the entire game. is the only hero in OW who can render others totally useless (Moira/Ana/Roadhog/Symmetra/Junkrat/Mcree/S76/Hanzo etc)

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She’s really not, but okay.

D.Va will be viable, but the problem is this nerf doesn’t do anything to GOATS even though it can only possibly be motivated by GOATS in pro play. She’s been middle of the pack in basically every metric on ladder for like a year.

I love how other barriers do their job (aka prevent damage to the heroes on the otherside and no one cares. protects someone and suddenly the shots that weren’t going to hit the hero if [insert other tank ability here] was there instead is suddenly ruining the shooters viability. Newsflash that hero was going to get saved by a tank regardless.

Also their is a big diffrence between being viable and the actual reason they are viable. I don’t think viable would be anywhere close to where would be if the off tank role had more than Zarya as another offtank with any defensive value what so ever.

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i’m mor interested in figuring out why TORBJORN got a nerf of all people.