Can Someone Explain to me the logic of Blizzard here

Ok so in Quick Play which I thought was casual, Blizzard says they will match you with a wide variety meaning you might sometimes have very unbalanced matches. That’s fine I guess, not ideal, but its ok.

Why is it then that if you get multiple games that are very 1 sided or you are just getting steam rolled, because of this wide matching they do, that you can only leave 1 out of every 20 games with no penalties?

I don’t even like leaving games, I just don’t even understand the logic here.


Overwatch is a game with resources (ult charge obviously, but also normal cooldowns), and like every game with resources it can be pretty hard coming back from a resource disadvantage. Then you factor that most modes (in qp; it’s all modes in ranked) are based on which team can make the most progress. Then you consider that a team that gets behind against equally skilled opponents needs to not only negate the progress the opponents made, but also make progress themselves. This can be very hard when you’re not meaningfully better than your opponents. Sprinkle in some “Which team has the better comp for the situation” in there somewhere. Factor in how human emotions often affect gameplay, such as playing worse because you’re behind or getting tilted by an unlucky death. All these factors (and others I’m not getting into, they’re mostly butterfly effect things) lead to games being one-sided often enough to overfeed negativity bias.

Because the player base will just leave games after losing one fight, or asking someone to switch and they won’t switch, or for a number of reasons. It was becoming a problem with too many leavers, so they had to do something, or every game had a leaver. It’s the players faults.

I’ve heard QP is much better now that they added the penalty. Alternatively, you can play competitive, where I have seen almost no leavers ever, and really, why do you care about your rank anyways?

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You heard incorrectly, now instead of leaving they just throw when you pick something they don’t want to team with. You really can’t win with this playerbase. It’s getting to be as toxic as a moba community now.

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Well, I only play competitive so I wouldn’t know. that’s the mode where they don’t throw if you do that. :person_shrugging:

They might get mad and yell at you and you just mute them, and then everyone tries their hardest to win. It’s a good game mode you should try it

I mean, not in my experience. And I almost exclusively play QP

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With everything in this game. leavers should have been left in place. Since they do not want to tune the game’s match maker at all. They can state they are. But actions haven’t shown otherwise. The penalty just makes people hostile, remain and throw.

I’ve had nothing but steam rolls tonight, and the one win I did get was a forced win where the other team seamed to be very new to the game with no clue how to play it.

The issue is the game director. He states he has some person working on this game’s match maker. But I have yet to see results where I feel like I am playing a game that is adjusting to my playing.

I mean if they want money from us. Start charging money to buy accounts, and ditch battlepasses for direct purchasing of skins.

None of this “currency conversion” nonsense.

Why they are continuing to allow this game to fall is beyond me.

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