Can someone explain each rank

I saw a post about what rank is good. I’m low Plat which is on the edge of average. Some answers would be appreciated :slight_smile:

Any rank that you play in is " The worst rank ever "

Negative mindset
Anybody higher is boosted trash
Anybody lower is lol trash

Positive mindset
Anybody higher, people to learn what to do from
Anybody lower ,people to learn what not to do from

I think most players are plat and gold in this game.

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Yeah most are. That’s why we are called ‘normies.’

Bronze = Potato pc, new to gaming, children, trolls.
Silver = noobs
Gold = less noob
Plat = normies
Diamond = fast plat
Masters = even faster plat
Low gm = super fast plat
High gm = can actually play the game
Top 500 = weirdos and freaks
OWL pro = psychos


Platinum is generally what I would consider a “good” rank as a baseline. Gold is average, Silver and Bronze are varying degrees of below average. Conversely, Diamond, Master’s, and GM are all degrees of above average.

Around 80% of the playerbase is between silver and platinum, at somewhat the same population in each rank.

So, using those numbers, silver is below average, gold is average, platinum is above average. Bronze is bad, Diamond is good, Master and GM are exceptional, Top 500 is bragging rights.

If everyone has this mindset it would be much more of a treat to play ranked.

I recently broke into diamond and honestly it feel the exact same with no difference from plat , people still throw people are EVEN more toxic because the feel entitled to it now , the only get on the mic to flame instead of doing call outs , it honestly feels the exact same as I was in gold only u get punished for mistakes , OH and people still sometimes play and make gold mistakes

Here are the differences between each rank.

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Basically, through all the ranks you are just learning the basics. Then once you hit GM, you understand how to play the game, so its like the previews at the movies. All the first 7 ranks are previews and then once u hit 4200, you get into the real movie.