Can somebody at Blizz tell me why I'm suspended?

5 support tickets same generic bot response… No reason or evidence given.

Issue ID: #98564673

Your ticket has received the following response:


This action has been taken in accordance with our Terms of Use and our In-game Policies ( Blizzard Support - Blizzard's In-Game Code of Conduct ), which all players acknowledge and agree to prior to playing. These policies and conditions allow us to maintain a fun and safe game environment for all of our players.

Our Terms of Use can be found at

Game Master Team
Blizzard Entertainment

Click here to review and resolve your ticket. If you continue to experience issues, you can respond to your ticket with additional information.

Note: If you can’t log in to your account to respond to your ticket, you’ll need to submit a new ticket.

If you do not resolve the ticket or provide an additional response within one week, we will resolve the ticket automatically and you’ll receive a final update via email.

Blizzard Support

Can a human being tell me why I’m suspended?


That is likely the extent of the answer you will receive. They are not obligated to provide the specific evidence against you, only to decide if your actions break their EULA.

But see that’s problematic. How do you expect people to change their behavior if you don’t tell them what they did wrong?

I’m not even asking for evidence.

I’m simply asking what did I do to get suspended and nobody seems to have an answer. You can just suspend people for long periods and not tell them what they did wrong.

You used to tell people what they did wrong, but no longer.

Surely you can’t expect people to spend money on your games if you can just suspend them for long periods and not even tell them what they did to get suspended.


They whole support system is just trash. They expect you to “follow the guidelines” or otherwise be actioned against but the blizzard support team won’t provide any reasonable communication. They expect people to want to play the game but then suspend or ban accounts without a discussion on the matter. If you play the game, you need to have enough money to afford premium internet service to avoid lagging out. If your service drops, then oops … there goes a suspension waiting to happen. Your internet could be perfectly fine, but the server kicks you out too many times … “We can’t tell the difference”, it looks like you are leaving your matches… that’s a suspension right there. Let’s not get started on the reporting system for in game chat. Safer to play on mute and without the text chat… but wait… Isn’t this supposed to be a team-based game? It’s all just a joke honestly.

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Chat (all types) has been worthless in this game since ~ 2020.

Finally unsuspended. Funny how multiple times I ask Blizz for support tickets asking why I’m suspended, but they can’t tell me…

But I log in after a month and NOW they want to spam me with messages telling me what I did wrong.

Like Blizz, get all these messages out of my face. I asked for you a whole month what I did wrong and you couldn’t tell me; let me play the game.

You LITERALLY have to wait until your suspension is over to know WHY you were suspended.