Can Sombra please be reclassified as a Support?

still, no thanksssss

yeah, still wouldn’t want her as a support. she doesn’t suit it at all

There is brig and lucio for the heroes you mentioned

And Ana with her sleep dart. Hell, we can count Bap’s immortality field as a counter to ball, even if it’s not cc since it can buy supports time to get a peel.

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Exactly! We don’t need Sombra as a Support, she better stay DPS or we are going to get CC hell

In fact, if a team really wants to stick it to a Ball or Doom that badly, having Sombra as a dps means you have more options for cc. As a Ball main, I cannot stress how frustrating it is to roll through a team only to get accretioned, slept, frozen, hacked, and shield bashed. Obv that would be a bad decision on my part, but it’s worth noting that in a TEAM game, you can work as a TEAM to easily focus a Ball down.

Just realized Abdullah said we would get cc hell if Sombra was a support, when I actually think we are already there. And I didn’t even mention flash bang

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Sorry, but this game doesn’t have a support class, it has a healing class.

There could be a fourth class for non healing supports, but that’s never going to happen.

If she moved into the support slot, I think this is unrealistic. But the changes don’t have to be huge.

I think that some benefit to hacking health packs like half the cooldown or something and maybe they heal more or come back faster or provide more ult charge… something (not sure what) to make that even more beneficial. At the same time probably reduce the effects of Hack (less duration or longer cooldown) when hacking enemies.

Also in addition to trying to make the healing part of her kit more interesting, you could also increase her spying capabilities. Give her more knowledge of the battlefield in some way.

I don’t think you have to completely rework her, but you would need to tweak her to emphasize the supportive parts of her kit.

Another day, another DPS hater.

I don’t hate them all, just the ones who won’t swap to Sombra to counter Ball\Doom

You’re being enabled to play DPS by virtue of other players agreeing to play the other roles. Be a team player, and swap, don’t just keep playing Hanzo.

This is a dreadful idea. All it would do is get dps to pick support and leave the other support solo healing.

Ok then - can we have a support with the Hack ability (or some other no-skill-required easy to apply ability that disables movement abilities for 5 seconds).

Healthpack hacks hardly contribute to team healing like an actual support does. Plus if your DPS aren’t swapping to her when she’s needed, that’s on them.

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As a flex player who used to routinely swap off of a support hero and onto Sombra to deal with backline threats (and then eventually swap back to the healer once I had addressed the problem by forcing them to swap), I wholeheartedly support this idea.

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That’s on them - and yet I’m the one paying the price for their obstinance.
Hence the request to not be dependent on their selfish asses.

By that logic, let supports pick EVERY hero that may be needed to counter heroes that give supports a hard time. At that point, why have roles at all? Then we’re back pre RQ

I don’t hate the idea, but they would need to give her some kind of reliable healing method outside of hacking health packs which I don’t see happening.

Her kit would become too bloated. They would have to take something away, either translocation or invisibility, both of which feel like core sombra things.

Maybe turn translocator into a little mini soldier healing field on a medium cooldown? She could still invis and hack and would be more akin to Zen in terms of healing

You mean like DPS? DPS have heroes to counter every other hero in the game. The original game was supposed to be a Rock Paper Scissors game.

Blizz has said ok numerous occasions that they didn’t expect a large player base to one trick heroes

You’re missing my point. I’m saying is we can’t shift a DPS hero to support because their DPS won’t swap to counter. If you wanna play Sombra, just queue for DPS.

Good DPS players know how many tools they have at their disposal and swap as needed. I don’t think it’s fair to change a hero’s role just because you have bad players on your team.

That’s like if a DPS player demanded we swap Rein from tank to DPS because the tanks in his games won’t swap to a shield. Sounds silly, right? So does this.

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”Having Sombra as a DPS basically means the 2nd DPS is solo doing Damage.”

Absolutely true in both cases