Can sojourn be nerfed faster

I honestly dont think that any hero released in ow1 and ow2 had the same obnoxious gameplay as sojourn, yes, including release brig 1.0.

Its at the point that even in qp if u beat someone and they just go sojourn u start getting rolled unless u go sojourn as well, especially if paired with sombra or another sniper.

Its not even about fun, I’ll openly admit her gameplay is smooth and fun to play, but shes the most overtuned sniper and dps we ever had, arguably just better than june 2020 genji.


Tbh I’d at least make it so that her railgun just can’t one-shot 200 HP targets. Make it do 195 damage critical. Then maybe either remove slow or damage from her AoE shot and up the slide CD to 10 seconds at least.

The only character that deserves to have one-shot is Widow in my opinion. Even with Hanzo it’s iffy and often feels random.


Mmh… nah, Brig 1.0 still was the most busted hero release BUT I give Sojourn the second place, demoting Sigma to 3. Place.

Also I agree they better butcher her, I can’t stand her anymore. Everytime I tank I see a Sojourn on the enemy team and know what is going to happen. You can’t block her, because you just charge her energy. You can’t dive her, since dlshe jumps away. She can jeep her distance and just load herself up on uou and one shot your squishies or simply shot you and rob you half your hp in seconds. Not to mention her lively chokepoint ability and the busted Ultimate.


195 isnt enough since a tiny pellet and you’re still dead, and thats without mercy dmg boost. Shes probably the only thing keeping mercy afloat (ha ha, see what I did there?)

The constant fear of getting one shot is even worse than going against widow in havana in ow1.

Nope. You’re just gonna have to wait 11 more days.

But simple balance patches should be way faster after that.

Bill Warnecke, Why Hotfix Balance Patching took till Dec 12


It’s fine because it’s a world of difference. It will allow you/your support to use that iframe and it will especially help against long-range “hope shots” that she does. In those cases you’re almost guaranteed to survive and she won’t be able to finish you off because her primary fire is a projectile so takes some time to reach the target.

Release brig shut down only one comp and a set of heroes in general, but sojourn shuts down everyone. Brig created goats, sojourn doesnt need to create anything, shes the best regardless of meta.

Jq BRAWL meta? She was the best hero in it.
Zarya meta? Best in it
Monke kiriko meta? Best in it.
Hog meta if it’ll really become one? Best in it.

Brig was busted because she was so strong she deleted dive and forced goats, but sojourn is something above that, no matter what 4 heroes u put around her or against her, shes the best hero by far, in any comp. Meanwhile brig wasnt the best hero in goats, but was the piece that made that possible as a whole (tho got replaced at times by bap and ana).

A long range hitscan is not supposed to be the #1 hero in poke, dive and brawl. How the hell is a long range sniper a brawl hero? Or a dive hero? The moment she got buffed she dominated every meta in pro play and all over ladder where people can aim. Shes widow but without any of her weaknesses and has consistent dmg on top.


If they wait all this time to nerf her, only to give her the smallest slap on the wrist, I will scream lmao


I find it ridiculous that so many others got nerfed before her.

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Ya I would argue that launch Sojourn is way worse than launch Brig. Brig at least also relied on her team even if only a bit to actually be good, Sojourn is a solo carry monster that can team wipe with ease.


Getting ear plugs ready. It will be a token nerf. My bet is time to hold charge will go from 8 to 6 seconds and slide will have a second added to cooldown.

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No its okay sojourn isnt overpowered in the lower ranks so its okay :slightly_smiling_face: she really underperforms in ranks below masters :slightly_smiling_face:

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I can’t wait to see blizz do something like

“We have heard the complaints and see that Sojourn is overperforming in high ranks, but we don’t want to punish her for that despite saying we would do top down balance so we are nerfing her disruption shots duration from 4 - 3.5 seconds. We will keep a close eye on her and see if we need further nerfs in season 3”


We need to stop saying that or Blizzard will nerf junker queen or some other random character.

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Compare Top 500 representation and OWL playtime for Brig 1.0 and Sojourn.

Sojourn is easily the most broken dps ever and arguably overall hero too. At the top only pre nerf Mercy 2.0 has ever reached such levels of domination and even Mercy had a lower OWL pickrate than Sojourn. Loads of players are heavily underestimating just how broken this hero is and it’s going to lead to prolonging the problem for a year+ as she’ll get slaps on the wrist instead of 2-3 sledgehammer nerfs all in 1 patch. Fun examples where this happened: Mercy 2.0, Brig 1.0 and launch Sigma.


I love brig 1.0. Honestly she was the reason I even played the game for any length of time while it was in open queue since being forced onto support by 5 morons insta-locking DPS they can’t play actually became fun since I could whip them in the face over and over and be rewarded for it. But to say she was less obnoxious than Sojourn is alil silly, she was incredibly obnoxious. I didn’t even know how to play the game and I was still hard carrying every single one on Brig 1.0.

If Sojourn was a hero released during GOATS… I don’t think GOATS would have been a thing anymore. Her ult could do a lot of damage to that comp with the piercing, and then Moira’s ult also beaming through combo’d with that? They’re just gonna die.

False. Definitely the most infamous and in the top 3 which is why very much understandably players keep saying this, but Sigma 1.0 is the most broken iteration of a hero to ever touch OW with Mercy 2.0 taking the second spot

But like I said it’s very understandable to think this way considering that all 3 of these are in a league of their own with the next most broken iterations of heroes not coming even close to them. If the 4th best hero was put into A-tier, these 3 would all be in the SSS-tier

Sojourn was the hero we needed…just too late!

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And once they give her the proper nerfs that actually address what made her broken, they will keep in all the fluff nerfs, which in sum will leave her a watered down, clunky, trash pick. She’ll join the club with Brig and Mercy.