Can playing to many hero’s

No it doesnt.
The only thing is regarding sens, if you switch too much between playing low sense on hitscans and then high sens on flankers, you might destroy your muscle memory a bit.

Dont use wide variations like sens 4 vs 8 etc. Something along a 10-20% increase/decrease should work.

I would think it’s better to play more heroes. This game isn’t balanced for a hero to be good against everything. You should probably play heroes that have similar aim techniques, or pick heroes with aim techniques you like and build a good line up to counter most threats. If you have decent aim technique and understand the mechanics and capabilities of each hero (like even the nuance) that should be enough to be good overall.

I have a problem with mixing muscle memory.

I won’t play soldier 76 any more unless I only play Soldier 76, it requires a different muscle memory having to continually pull down on shots and it REALLY throws me off going to any other full-auto hero. I think I could cross over with Baptiste a bit.

I can easily move between Bastion, Sombra, Tracer, Reaper, Hammond, DVA as it’s a simple matter of lining up crosshairs and the crosshairs won’t move on you, you just have to remember the spread is wider or narrower for a given range.

Play every hero almost equal time…and yes it does restrict your ability to perfect them (just aim alone there’s all sorts of projectile speeds that you can’t possibly perfect)…

BUT that being said… I’m not trying to perfect them anyway…doing ONE thing is insanely boring to me…the idea of a “main” sounds like a good way of getting tired of this game fast

Playing too few heroes means you dont fully understand your role. If you dont know how to PLAY Ball, for example, you wont fully understand how to counter him, how to play alongside hom or even how to assess if you should be playing him to counter the enemy.

Sure, playing 1 hero lets you get good at that hero, but you’ll lose understanding of the rest of the game.

Yes for some people, spreading yourself too thin can cause you to lose performance on particular heroes that have very specialized skillset requirements.

Tanks: feel comfortable on all except D.Va

DPS: Reaper, Soldier, Ashe, Doomfist, Torbjorn, Tracer

Support: Moira and Lucio

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Support: Ana/mercy, but tend to lean mercy.
DPS: Ashe, Tracer, Pharah, but don’t rly play Pharah cuz of hitscan meta
Tank: Zarya, dva, only if dva is necessary

What I’ve learned on Overwatch the past two years is that you want to main 2-3 heroes per role but know how to play at least half of the heroes in your queued role so you can switch as needed to counter others, and if ur hero gets taken you have multiple backups

What you’re asking is a simple question to an answer that is about as long as a 50 page research document.

I play basically every tank except Hammond while I’m able to flex into Pharah, 76, Torb and Junk from the DPS role and nearly all the supports except Ana. I’ve been flexing ever since I hit 90 hours on Pharah one-tricking her and realizing how dumb, stupid and dumb I am being just one-tricking a hero. Playing a lot of heroes does not restrict my ability to perfect them, but if I don’t play a certain hero for a while I get rusty with them for sure. It takes usually around 1-5 games to get the rust off and going back to pop off with them again

What I’d personally recommend is having at least 10 hours played with each hero just so you have a picture about what’s going on in certain players’ mind when they play those heroes. Getting empirical insight on the heroes’ playstyles and kits is very beneficial especially if you’re a 200IQ player who relies more on everything rather than just mechanical stuff

The minimum I’d recommend is having 3 strong and playable options in your main role of which 2 are based on the current meta and not your personal preference

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Kinda but not really. I mean look at rascal, fleta, profit, and Libero. The reason why they’re so good is that they can play everything.

This is what I do as well , and because I became a tank main there isn’t much to warm up lol

I think learning the fundamentals for each hero is good, but not everyone has the time commitment to learn everything for each. Choosing to specialise certain heroes in your chosen role(s) is probably best practice. For example, it’s not really necessary to learn both McCree and Soldier 76, Mei and Reaper, or Rein and Orisa, Ball and D.VA, unless you’re aiming for pro. There’s obviously a huge advantage to learning all, but if you don’t have the time commitment it’s actually a hindrance.

I main one hero but I know how to play most of them, I made it to masters that way. If I had as much time as the streamers to play, I would be GM by now. So the answer is no, its not bad to play multiple heroes, I would however stick to having at least a main for each role. I main zarya for tanks, hanzo for dps, zenyatta for support.

You should play all heroes to some extent so you understand them - this includes all roles. But you should always concentrate on just a couple at any one time or you will never gain the muscle memory you need to excel with them.

Playing too many can definitely get you away from Perfecting them, but you shouldn’t one trick either

I’d suggest, since you seem like a flex player, that you main and master your favorite heroes, and get secondaries that counter the counters of your main or don’t get affected by them

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