Can playing to many hero’s

Restrict your ability to perfect them ??? I ask because I was in comp when it was open Q and if you wanted to grind you HAD to learn every role to an extent and learn every role well

Now that role Q is a thing I find myself knowing almost every hero to a T but I’m no where near perfecting most of them

I’m asking ? How many hero’s do you main ? Are they all the same role ? Or do you play ALOT of mains like me for every role ?

So, I onetrick Brigitte.

I don’t know if it’s because OW is my first FPS but it’s sometimes hard for me to switch aim styles and such… But I don’t perform nearly as well on Brig when I go from playing other heroes to her.

My Whipshot accuracy, awareness and reaction time all tend to go down a but depending on how long I played other heroes or didn’t play the game. I assume the average person isn’t affected as much as I.

I don’t onetrick for this reason however. I just like Brigitte and think I can get a lot of value on the hero than people expect… I do acknowledge that only playing one hero does for sure help me stay consistent on her though.

But I do know that like pro’s and such reccomend being able to play every hero decently, but sticking to “maining” about 4 heroes so you can really focus on them and getting the max value you can for yourself out of them. That’s probably what I’d reccomend too… but what do I know? I’m a Brig onetrick lmao.

Lol your good any opinion is welcome in my post , but yeah I know EVERY HERO Decent but only mastered 1 and that’s tracer and I know I can play her extremely well but no other hero is nowhere near the lvl I dedicated to her so I was wondering if anyone knows all the hero’s like I did lol

I try to stick to one or two heroes per role, so I can queue for any role in Role Queue, and flex to any lacking role in Open Queue.

DPS: Bastion, Junkrat (side of Torbjörn)

Tanks: Orisa, Sigma

Supports: Baptiste, Zenyatta (learning Brigitte)

I would agree with the idea that maining too many heroes limits one’s ability to perfect them.


Yeah XD brother

For DPS I can play

Echo , reaper , mei , soldier 76 , TORB , Tracer ,


All of them except Lucio

Zaria , ryn , hog , (working on sig ) , , orisa

I pretty much can play a good amount of the whole roster enough on all roles to climb well

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Wow, that’s waaaaay more heroes than I could handle… by learning Sigma, I forgot all things about playing Ball, so I gave up on him lol. Been thinking about trying Roadhog, as of lately. Planning on getting his golden gun anyway, so there’s some motivation.

XD I used to play when there was no role Q so I felt like I had to learn EVERYTHING to climb well , it takes a lot of knowledge and the moment there’s a patch or a change I have to study the new info to learn the changes to most of the hero’s

i’d say there are like five heroes i’m bad at and the rest i’m just okay. i don’t think that having a big hero pool has affected my ability to master them, i think that’s on my work ethic

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After I started playing tracer I lost all my other skills :slight_smile:

LOL :joy: are you a tracer 1 trick

I don’t think so. The issue isn’t perfecting a hero though, it’s staying perfect on the hero, which involves long warmups and practicing mindset switches. Because of this I have a large hero pool but only 4 mains, and I’m actually thinking about dropping one.

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For tanks, currently my main role i can confidently play all of them but i specialize in main tanks

For DPS, i have my most play char ever bastion, then i have sym and i can kinda play echo

For supp i can generally play most of them but i prefer moira/brig

Other than that yes i do know how to play every hero, just im not good at most of them

I main off-tank, and for organized play, play zarya/dva/sigma. Orisa and ball when needed.

For ladder, I mainly play ball cause people suck at dealing with him, then zarya and sigma if need be. But basically, just find 4 or 5 heroes within your role and get decent at them, and make sure they’re all kind of different. So don’t choose to main doom, genji, tracer, and echo. Those are all bursty dps that get countered by similar heroes. Doing something like ashe, genji, pharah, and reaper gives you enough diversity to the point where you can always have a hero to swap to.

Yes. That’s why you warm up on a hero before using them for real.

I have a rather small pool of heroes and I can swap between them, but the hero i’m swapping to isn’t going to perform as well as the one i had been maining for ten games already.

It’s not uncommon for me to be playing Zenyatta with the mindset of a Sombra because i had been playing Sombra for several games prior. It’s really fascinating when i accidentally selected Zen (i.e. he’s already pre-selected and i accidentally clicked accept) and i was committed to playing Sombra for the day. Ended up with a flanker Zen and odd Discord priorities.

In any case, i cannot play more than one hero at 100%.

The good thing is that if i’m on a hero and am forced to switch out, it usually means that the enemy is playing specifically to counter that hero and not prepared for the hero i’m switching to, so i can squeak by even with the alternate hero playing only at 50-75%.

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I don’t think that’s so. If you play a hero enough, you can get good at them no matter who else you play, at least how I see it. Unless, of course, it’s me playing Widowmaker because 115 hours hasn’t stopped me from being utterly crap…

Personally I have about one main for each role, and it’s served me…decently well.

For sure onetricking off meta heroes is the best way to climb, you get free wins and only really lose when either your team or their team are playing bad comps for you. But personally I just enjoy playing lots of heroes so that’s what I do

I play every hero of every role.
As for climbing, I just abuse of the most effective hero for that match.
They switch in order to counter me? I switch again.
My biggest fail is that I can’t play some heroes well without previous warm-up.

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There are two things to consider here:

  1. Improvement
  2. Maintenance

For the first point, it works about how you’d expect. You’ll still learn things as you play, but you’ll learn each hero more slowly than if you were just playing that hero.

For the second, it’s also pretty obvious. Different heroes have different mindsets and different mechanical demands, so swapping between them will yield worse results than if you had just been playing one hero. If you warm up before you play, you’ll need to spend more time to get all of your heroes up to snuff.

I can play most heroes in the roster at approximately equal level, exceptions being Hanzo, Widow and Ashe.

I find movement in Overwatch intuitive yet frustrating to deal with, having grown up on the Source engine I can’t deal with the lack of acceleration or deceleration, I can’t strafe or use explosion jumping.

I find the wildly unpredictable movements a major detriment in my ability to excel at any DPS role.

There's a second opinion for you.

It’s always been better to learn a few heros than rather than lean loads. You can rank up with any hero.

Sure before RQ it was better to at least know 1 hero from the other roles. But now it is better to focus on 1 or 2 heros. You will struggle to rank up not learning one hero very well.