Can mercy get a "skill" cap increase?

currently the higher level meta is dominated by ana, lucio, zen, etc. this is because their kit allows their skill to shine.

ana has sleep dart and anti nade, which can make or break the game depending on skill. she can help counter phara, and prevent clutch heal ults like trans and valk

luccio is heavily skill dependant and can win or lose the game for his team

zen can melt faces, and use discord to make or break the game

mercy caps out. she can position, stay alive, heal and boost priority, but at the end of the day, she is heavily relient on her team.
her rez can change the tide of battle, but is still reliant on team. Where did they die? how is their positioning? can the person you rezzed do anything?
her guardian angel is also heavily reliant on team position, where as luccio;s mobility is self reliant.

luccio, ana, and zen can all dps while healing. They can all pump out major heals, while still maintaining the ability to kill people when needed, while mercy must sacrifice her wand to use her pistol.

im not saying mercy is no skill, or that a good mercy cant help a lot, but like, there is definitely a low skill ceiling. There is only so much she can do, whereas the other 3 healers can greatly change the outcome of the game with technical skill.

some ideas?

maybe mercy can get a heal boost if her cursor is closer to her allies, rewarding her for good aim? (and also letting her compete, since moira and anna way out heal her.)
bring back double rezzes?
let her have some more mobility that isn’t entirely reliant on team position?
increase range of damage boost ray?
idk I could think all day, but right now its super frustrating.
like healing a tree that will innevetably be chopped down, where as ana or zen can actually shoot the enemy


Sounds cool that someone is suggesting this kind of change to mercy. I’ve always wanted to see them increase her skill ceiling. I love playing Ana, zen, lucio and I’m excited for baptiste. Why not make mercy’s skill ceiling increase by making her mobility more difficult yet more flexible. Instead of linear flight to teammates.
Edit: Ik people wouldn’t like it but what if they added a healing tiers to mercy’s healing beam. The longer she has her beam on someone the more she heals them. But to balance this they make it require only the slightest bit of aim.
So mobility buffs and healing buffs.

She somewhat got a little of a skill cap increase with the Valk Rez nerf/buff.
(Knockback change)

The damage-boost changes were a reduction of her skillcap, really.


Eh, not really. I mean if youre comparing it to directly post rework Moth, yes, but over all, no.

It made it way more simpler than old mass ress was, and drastically lowered the decision making of the ability.

I agree with the OP, I think a lot of complaints about Mercy not being impactful come from exactly that, having very limited options on what you can do to be ‘‘the better one’’ in the game.

I had the pleasure of playing with a 4.3k mercymain in a QP 6 stack the other day and it actually suprised me how much of an impact she had on the game. It was a pretty hard carry actually.

I don’t really agree with the low skill ceiling tbh, I think the character has a lot of nuance to it that still allows good players to shine.


id like to see that main given a bronze account, and see if they can climb to their rank with only mercy

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I’m sure they would. They’d just whip out their pistol and 1v6 enemy team until gold. Then slowly climb as they support better than opponent’s supports.

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nothing to do with skill cap, it’s all about the other healers synergizing better with the other meta heroes

considering both ana and moira out heal mercy, and zens transe outheals valk……
id say mercy isn’t in a good spot right now

Mercy is one of the most difficult heroes to play in the game well IMO. Her skill ceiling is quite high. It’s night and day what a good Mercy player does compared to what I can do with her.

I like to think I am a good mercy, I have a lot of experience with her.
I made a thread about this before but I objectively proved wrong the idea she can carry.
if I was a bad mercy my rank should fall right?
if I was a good mercy my rank should rise right?
but at 1300 SR, 1800 SR, and 2000 SR, I always have 50% win rate as mercy, I stay at that rank and neither climb nor fall.

even on my daughters account which is below 500, if I play on it and pick mercy, I get locked at 50%… do I suck at mercy? why don’t I fall back to bronze for playing her then?

ana on the other hand, I can easily climb a bronze account to high silver

Not that, I’m talking about the knockback changes.

I’m talking about the knockback.

You objectively proved that she can’t carry because you can’t carry with her? Okay.

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she’s the only hero who can reliably heal mobile heroes aside from zens harmony orb

she also has the highest mobility of all supports, although lucio is a close second

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ummmm. did you not read it?
if she could carry I woulda been able to rank up out of <500
if im not able to carry out of <500 with her, that should mean I suck with her, but I maintain the SR even as high as gold…
are you really going to tell me that its me? number don’t lie

Yes. It’s called ‘play other heroes when the situation is most fitting’. You got an unlimited skill cap there.

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Have you taken a look at the dodo compromise rework?

I have not, ill have to check it out!