Can I get banned for HAVING an auto-clicker?

So… Here’s the deal. I have downloaded an auto-clicker that I use for a different game (because you have to spam-click there, which really hurts my hand) and it’s on all the time.
I technically don’t use it for overwatch, but it’s still on when I play (I have a key-combination to activate it).

So… I think I won’t get banned for this but just to be sure; can I get banned on Overwatch for HAVING an auto-clicker that’s on, even though I don’t auto-click in Overwatch?

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Macros are generally prohibited, so be careful with that

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By auto click, does it mean that it will auto click when you meet a target? If so, yes it is bannable.

I don’t get where you get the “You have to spam click” just hold it down.

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No, my auto-clicker only activates when I use a certain key combination (alt + hold left click) so it doesn’t affect my gameplay in Overwatch. I’m just scared that they could detect the program and ban me for it.

And holding my mouse button down doesn’t work in that game. I litterally have to spam click (which is why I’m using the auto-clicker)

You should see a doctor if you are not able to click many times instead doing this tbh

I have a macro that spams m1 on one of my mouse buttons for years now because it was useful in csgo at some point and had no problems. Even if I click it in game on accident it’s still fine.

I don’t know the true answer to it. But I don’t really think you should use it for OW. I know it helps so you don’t need to have m1 hold down but sometimes, its just best to just do the usual clicking.

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Soldier would benefit from such a macro, but it may get you banned.

I can click many times, but after 1 or 2 hours it starts to hurt, which is pretty normal I think.

No it’s not normal

You should be able to play for an entire day and you fingers shouldn’t hurt

Clicking is not even tiring

I have it on one of my mouse buttons on a different profile, I used it in BF4 and used it to flash a character icon in the select screen in OW and I’m fine.
But I’d still be careful, especially when it’s not coming from a mouse/keyboard driver.

Yes, I can play games like overwatch for an entire day, but the game for which I use the auto-clicker (which is a completely different game) requires me to spam-click basically all the time, which does get tiring after a few hours.

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But why would you need it in overwatch then?

I think a lot of people are misunderstanding my situation, which is probably my fault for wording it weirdly (English is not my native language so it’s pretty hard for me to explain things like this sometimes)

I don’t actually auto-click in overwatch, but the macro is technically still on. It auto-clicks when I use a certain key combination (alt + hold left click) which I DON’T do in Overwatch.

+Hyper I don’t use it in overwatch, I use it in a different game, but technically the program is still running.
I’ve read on different threads that blizzard can detect macro’s on your computer, even if you don’t use it in their games

It would be absolutely ridiculous for Blizz to ban people for having macros, even if they don’t use them. Pretty much every single gaming mouse and keyboard nowadays comes with re-programmable buttons that can be made to do multiple keypresses with one button press. Ban everyone who has those, then?
Only situation where I’d see it being an issue is if you have a macro for burst fire or a skill combo or something that you actually do use in game.

Also to those confused, for clicking games autoclickers are not uncommon at all. Try playing clicker heroes with a clicking build while only manually clicking your mouse and tell me how that goes :stuck_out_tongue:

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