Can I get a code for the best aimbot mode?

The ones I try seem to always aim above peoples heads which is super annoying, is there one that doesn’t do that? Thanks!

Haven’t tried to make it myself, but I imagine you can just do it with two rules:

Rule 1:

  • If is button held ( interact ) == false then…
  • Stop facing ( event player )

Rule 2:

  • If is button held ( interact ) == true then…
  • Start facing ( Event Player, Direction Towards( Eye Position (event player), Eye Position( ( Player Closest To Reticle( event player, Opposite Team Of( Team Of( Event Player ) ) ) ) ) 480, To World, Direction And Turn Rate )

Edit: Changed the Rules above ^

Use this instead: QP488

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I did this, but it always seem to go just above the head. It’s so annoying!

Here you go, just delete the spawning script when u don’t want to play on blizzard world: QP488

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Thank you! this works so much better! It doesn’t hit every shot but still hits most as well which is perfect for the game I’m making :slight_smile:

Yeah, it doesn’t lead targets haha, but I’m glad you got what you needed :slight_smile:

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Do these codes work on console?

This is from 12 months ago, so I think the code has expired.

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