Can Hanzo's Arrows Not be the Size of Semi-Trucks?

well ,maybe are the smallest, but they are very long. i would like to know if that has any impact in his gameplay

Of projectiles*
I get that He needs to be more predictive than you’d think, but then I know that I’ve played Hanzo, shot a random arrow out of spawn and landed a headshot on an enemy I couldn’t see and never saw. Which was funny, yes, but if the person on the other end watched the kill cam and felt completely cheated, I’d be understanding.
A Hanzo will randomly kill me when I’m playing sombra despite my invis being up.

Basically, the possibility of a person getting a one shot on you, on accident, feels really bad.

I’d say just remove the one shot potential or reduce the hit box in regards to criticals.


“My arrows find my enemies” like for real they do.


Actually, add Hanzo to that list.
It’s impossible to headshot him, especially with Widow.

I like killing my enemies with a headshot from a sonic arrow so they don’t know if i was aiming for them or not, that probably makes me a terrible person but oh well.


They arent. Theyre fairly small when it comes to projectile sizes. Its the infinite ammo and spammability that may make them seem bigger than what they really are.

And that’s relevant why? He’s a dps hero that doesn’t get screamed at for DPSing

So maybe give Mercy an option to do some DPS occasionally.

🍢 [Mercy] Spear of the Valkyrie


They aren’t already.

I support this as well. I play a lot of games where Hanzos seem to get an insane amount of headshots compared to anyone else and its been really frustrating being on the receiving end of what looks to be the laziest, unaimed shot in history killing you in one hit.

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Junkrats projectiles size were nerfed to avoid spamming, so this would be fair

And even better when it’s sticking out from your hip but somehow you managed to die to a cricitcal headshot.


Still dont get why apart from “classification” that Mcree cant get instant headshot kills from close range if hanzo can. Sure RoF is slower but Mcree has to reload and he has a rolly polly as his only source of mobility.

As someone who plays Hanzo and knows hes not OP I still think its garbage I can one shot a character without REALLY aiming. Hes much easier and more consistant than a junkrat with an element of luck and you can even use sonic arrows to see when to spam.

This is my opinion, its my 90+ experience of Hanzo in Plat, its not factually acurrate across all ranks but thats how he feels in my own hands.

I think it’s a hold over from ages back when they changed his projectiles (prerework) and then sort of undid the changes. I think a lot of people never got past the idea that his arrows simply aren’t nearly as large as they think they are.

Yes… his arrows are ridiculous.

Never 1v1 a Hanzo with Widow in narrow corridors or window’s. Your enemy doesn’t even have to aim and he’ll hit you. Only sniper battle in open areas where you can move around. Otherwise… it’s literal ‘fish in a barrel’ for him.

But then I won’t be able to get easy kills

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No because he is balanced.

The width isn’t that large, it’s just that the entire arrow’s length counts as a hitbox, rather than just the tip of it, and any way one shot projectiles shouldn’t exist

I think the speed of his projectiles are a problem.
Sometimes they feel like they’re hitscan due to how quick and un-reactable, a majority of the time, they can be.

Widow doesn’t have to charge, thats just a sign of a newbie Widow.
If you watch OWL - they Widows are rarely at full charge